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Love is a beautiful feeling. When a person is in love, he gets emotionally attached to him so much that he starts sharing all the things of his heart. But today’s youth do not believe in love and false …Read more
In floodlighting, the person plays emotionally with partner (image-canva)
What is floodlighting: Today’s generation believes more in dating. Actually social media and dating apps give them options for many partners. It is not necessary to have a relationship for a long time. Due to the changing choice of youth, new naming of relationship is being done. Nowadays flood lighting is in trend. But this is a red flag in the relationship.
Understand floodlighting
Relationship expert Mudita Gulati says that floodlighting is the beginning of dating. In this, the person starts sharing his small things to get the attention of the partner. He overheoring everything like poor memories of his childhood, torture, someone shock or relationship with parents in the same meeting.
Why is dangerous
The person who shares things with his partner is not necessary. Many people do all this to get false things and to get the sympathy of the person in front. This relationship is part of manpulative dating i.e. an attempt is made to capture the partner’s mind. This is also afraid of getting cheated in the relationship because one person connects to another person emotionally while the other game is playing.
Mental pressure increases
When a person tries to be emotional from a person who dats, he makes him feel that his partner is very special for him and he will never leave him. In such a situation, mental pressure on the partner increases because he thinks that he will never leave his love alone. He remains unaware that the person in front is controlling him in an emotional way.
Relationship is not strong
Some people become Victim during dating. He feels that if he shares his personal things, his relationship will become strong. While this does not happen. In the first meeting, such things can make the front person irritable or make their image a negative person. Many times people feel tired in the relationship after hearing such things.
It is necessary to identify such people
In the relationship, mutual understanding and respect is necessary. In floodlighting, only one person thinks that he should be understood, he should be loved. While he himself does not want to understand another person. He only wants to say his point. Such people want to get attention and also have selfish. Keep sympathy with such people but also keep your scope. Such people can prove to be dangerous, so do not be emotionally attached to them. Many times such people are also victims of mental illness.
March 09, 2025, is 17:27
What is floodlighting? Why the youth like this trend of relationship