October 31, 2024 12:26 PM IST
Studies have found a link between brief exercise periods with improved mental abilities, helping you concentrate and multitask better.
A University of California study published in Communications Psychology revealed a positive correlation between short workout time with improved cognitive ability. Exercise has long been known to be beneficial for both cognitive and physical well-being, but it is generally believed that significant improvements require extended workout sessions. However, this study focused on short but intense workouts, which are more effective in improving mental abilities.
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Short, intense workouts are more effective
The study evaluated thousands of exercise-related studies conducted over the past two decades, examining the mental benefits of exercise among people ages 18 to 45. The results showed that short, intense workouts like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cycling lead to cognitive improvements. It works better than long-term workouts at a moderate pace. HIIT exercises require vigorous, high-energy efforts for short periods of time. The researchers called it similar to a sprint, with activity followed by short breaks. Cognitive benefits become more prominent and immediate after a brief workout. This short but intense session gathers all the physical strength and mental focus, leading to post-workout clarity of mind.
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cognitive improvement
Exercises lasting less than 30 minutes yielded stronger cognitive benefits than longer sessions. Mental improvement lasts for a long time. Its influence is particularly prominent in executive functioning. These mental skills include working memory, planning, organizing, and the mental flexibility to multitask. This is one of the first studies to examine the effect of brief exercise periods on brain power. So whenever you feel foggy, try an intense workout during your break to help you refocus.
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