Secret soldiers knew: How to switch your brain with a light like a light, without using a pain reliever


Imagine being severely injured and no pain on the battlefield. It seems impossible, right? Nevertheless, during World War II, the doctor Henry Beerr visited the very incident, where the injured soldiers did not require any pain relief despite serious injuries. What was happening inside his body?

Scientists highlight the hidden pain reliever of your brain, no pills are necessary! (Image by pixaby)

According to an article in the conversation, the answer lies in the remarkable ability to regulate the pain of the brain, it has to be turned on or shut down depending on the situation, but how it works – and can we tap in this hidden power in our everyday life?

Understanding pain: a brain-borne sensation

Pain is not just something you ‘feel.’ It is a sophisticated alarm system designed to protect you from harm. When you touch something very hot or cut your finger, nerve cells called noscepters detect potential threats and send signs running into your brain.

The study found that when taken from surprise, your brain may increase the pain caused by an injury. (Pexels)
The study found that when taken from surprise, your brain may increase the pain caused by an injury. (Pexels)

Once these signs reach the cerebral cortex, the pain is considered and your body reacts away to avoid further injury, but here is a bend: the brain can also block these signs. This is why a soldier on the battlefield operated by the living and adrenaline cannot feel a pill wound. This is why you can sometimes catch on a scaling dish, just to keep it down safely before it is burning you.

Stopping pain: Natural pain reliever of the brain

There is a small but powerful structure in your brain which is called periactal gray (pug). This area acts as a gatekeeper, which is capable of closing or even closing pain signals before reaching your conscious awareness.

PAG releases natural pain relievers called NKFelins, which acts like opioids such as morphine – but without the risk of addiction. These chemicals help in numb pain during extreme conditions, which are able to avoid danger or push through physical difficulty.

Hack your brain pain management system

Good news? You do not need to live in a state of life-or-death to activate your brain pain-fierce system. Research suggests that some activities may trigger the release of Nakefelin and other natural pain relievers –

  • Exercise: Regular strength training, endurance workouts and even simple movement can reduce pain by stimulating the production of nakefelin.
  • stress management: While excessive stress can increase pain, some types – such as cold water (ice bath) or controlled risk for attention – can actually promote your pain tolerance.
  • Happiness and reward: Tasty food, attached to sexual activity, and other pleasant experiences can also increase brain capacity to regulate pain.

A future beyond opioids?

With chronic pain that affects millions, it is more important to understand these natural pain-fierce mechanisms than ever. Recently, the FDA approved a new drug, Zernwax, which prevents pain signals from reaching the brain by closing nociceptors in the nervous system.

Studies suggest that mindfulness meditation reduced the pain by activating the brain areas associated with the self-control of pain. (Shutterstock)
Studies suggest that mindfulness meditation reduced the pain by activating the brain areas associated with the self-control of pain. (Shutterstock)

It can provide an alternative to opioid drugs such as morphine and phentineyl, which comes with significant risks of intoxication. While the science of pain is still developing, one thing is clear: our brain has an incredible ability to control how much pain we experience.

By taking advantage of exercise, stress management and even pleasure, we may be able to reduce our dependence on the drug and control our own treatment.

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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