Who does not know the story of Savitri and Satyavan, in which she saves her husband from Yamraj and brings him back alive. Even in this era, many such cases come to light, knowing about which reminds one of this story. Recently, a similar case has come to light in South Africa, where a woman saved her husband from the clutches of death. He performed such a miracle with the stick that death had to accept defeat. It is said that 37-year-old Anthony Joubert, a father of 3 children from South Africa, had gone fishing in a nearby dam with his family and boss. Anthony’s 12-year-old elder son JP hung the hook from the tree, which got stuck somewhere in the water. In such a situation, as soon as Anthony entered the water to rescue him, a 13 feet long crocodile, already sitting in ambush, attacked him and tried to take him towards deeper water.
To protect himself, Anthony started punching. Then suddenly he remembered the method of tearing the crocodile’s eye. In such a situation, they started trying to attack his eyes. But the crocodile had pressed half of his body in its mouth and started moving his head from side to side. He told that then my boss Johan entered the water and started trying to pull me back by holding my belt. There was a crocodile on one side and my boss on the other. The strangest thing was that half of my body was in the crocodile’s mouth, yet I was not feeling pain. I was continuously punching him, trying to tear out his eyes. The more I struggled, the more he shook his head side to side. Anthony said that the surprising thing is that after surviving this accident, both my legs are completely safe. Only three of his teeth were stuck in my body.
According to Anthony, while the crocodile was trying to pull me into the water, my boss Johan was pulling me out of the water. But my wife Annalies played an important role in saving my life. Anthony said that my wife brought a big stick from near the dam and started hitting the crocodile on the head. She kept hitting with the stick with full force. After 5-6 attacks from Annaliese, the crocodile’s jaws opened and it slipped away. In such a situation, 36-year-old Johan Van der Kolf and 33-year-old Annalize caught hold of the badly injured Anthony and immediately pulled him out of the water. Due to the crocodile attack, a lot of blood was coming out from Anthony’s body. In such a situation, the cut area was tied with a towel so that the blood flow could be reduced. Anthony told that his 10 and six year old daughters also saw this attack.
Anthony further said that the way the crocodile caught me, remembering that incident still hurts my heart. I then felt as if my last moment had just arrived. I know that if the crocodile swallows half the body, then survival is impossible. But my boss Johan and my wife Annalies came in front of death in the form of crocodile, thanks to whom the crocodile could not eat me and I survived. Whenever I close my eyes or try to sleep, I see that crocodile. It seems as if he is still in front of me. I never knew that my wife had the strength or capability to defeat a dangerous creature like a crocodile. But my wife wisely saved me.
Tags: Ajab Bhi Ghazab Bhi, The news is coming, Oh God, shocking news, wild life amazing video
first published : March 18, 2024, 4:07 pm IST