Does drinking buffalo milk increase intelligence? Know the truth from animal scientists


West Champaran: There is a saying in rural areas for decades that drinking buffalo milk makes a person’s intellect as fat as a buffalo. Due to this saying, people often ignore buffalo milk. But do you know that buffalo milk is more nutritious and beneficial than cow milk? The question arises that when buffalo milk is so nutritious, then why are such sayings prevalent about it and why is the number of people drinking it less? Animal scientists of West Champaran district have shared special information on this.

Dr. Ranjan, a senior scientist working at the Desi Gau Vansh Conservation and Promotion Center in Madhopur, says that cow’s milk contains 83 to 85 percent water, while buffalo’s milk contains only 72 to 80 percent water. Similarly, the thickness of fat particles in cow’s milk is 2 to 3 micrometers, while in buffalo’s milk it is up to 5 micrometers. This is the reason why the digestive system has to work harder to digest buffalo’s milk.

Buffalo milk is more nutritious than cow milk
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium are found in abundance in buffalo milk, whereas cow milk has a higher amount of vitamins, which is why cow’s milk is light yellow, whereas buffalo’s milk is white.

Does drinking buffalo milk make one’s brain fat?
According to Dr. Ranjan, “Both cow and buffalo milk are beneficial for health. It depends on you which milk you prefer to drink. If you often suffer from digestive problems, then cow milk will be better for you. However, buffalo milk is more beneficial in terms of nutrition. Digestive problems do not affect people much, so the proverb about buffalo milk has been linked to intelligence.”

Tag: Bihar News, health News, Local18

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