Woman reveals 11 things about dating ‘after dating for 10 years’: ‘You’d rather sleep alone…’


The wisdom that comes with experience! Content creator Shri (Instagram handle Shriyam) has shared a video on Instagram about the ’11 things’ he has learned after dating for ’10 years’ – you’re in for a few drops of dating wisdom. In her caption she wrote, “My resume says serial girlfriend, so you all better take it seriously… thanks a lot…” Read this also What is an open marriage and is it for you? 6 things you must know

Would you rather sleep alone in your bed than feel alone when sleeping next to someone? (Representative photo: Freepik)

People often learn valuable lessons that can benefit their future relationships, and many people liked what Sri had to say. A comment on her post read, “10 years of dating knowledge in 11 tips? I love this crash course!” Another said, “I can cry, it feels like my elder sister is talking to me.”

‘If his ex-girlfriend reaches out to you…’

So what exactly did Sree say about the things he learned about dating while talking about the complexities of modern relationships? Read on to know what she said:

1. Sacrifice and compromise are two very different things. If you find that you have to change your entire fundamental personality to be able to be with someone, then you are probably with the ‘wrong person’.

2. If your partner scolds you for the things you really like about yourself – ‘You’re too smart’, ‘You’re too edgy’, or ‘Your style is too edgy’ – that’s the wrong relationship. . Please go.

3. If you scold your partner for things that they like and that you fundamentally don’t like, please let that poor guy be; And please vacate.

4. If you don’t like their friends, any of their friends at all, if you think you’re a misfit, then you are a misfit. Please, soldier, evacuate.

5. If their friends warn you that this is not a good relationship and that the guy probably needs help, believe the friends. Holiday

6. If his ex-girlfriend comes to you and says, ‘I’m a little upset because of this guy,’ from personal experience, believe me.

‘If they don’t respect your work…’

7. If one of you doesn’t laugh in an argument, to end it, if at times it is impossible for both of you to put each other above your ego, then they are not your person.

8. If your close friends and siblings don’t like them, you need to do some evaluation about that relationship.

9. When you initially start dating someone, don’t think about ’10 reasons why they should love me’. Think of 10 reasons why you like them.

10. If they don’t respect your work and what you do or they are generally a negative Nelly in your life, they are not the person for you. Your person should believe in you on those days when you don’t even believe in yourself.

11. You would rather sleep alone in your bed than feel alone when sleeping next to someone.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.


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