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Safest Car Color: Do you know which color of the car is the safest and which color causes more accidents. A research reported that more accidents occur than dark colored cars.
Research has reported that more accidents happen with red and black cars.
- Red colored cars cause the most accidents.
- Light colored cars reduce the risk of accident.
- Black and brown cars are also considered dangerous.
New Delhi. Color is very important when buying a new car. So this question is very important for every customer, which is the color of the most dangerous car? Car buyers should choose the color of the car carefully, because the choice of some colors can increase the risk of accident, theft or car paint problems. The most frightening thing in this is related to the accident.
Most of the auto sector’s experts believe that one thing should always be kept in mind while buying a car that two things about light and dark colored car are very clear. There is a risk of more accident than dark color, while light colors i.e. a light color car keeps the chance of accident. This is absolutely basic, but one more thing is important which dark color proves more dangerous.
Which most dangerous color
The surprising thing is that research suggests that 60% of red colored cars have been involved in accidents, making it the most dangerous colored car. The red color is seen to be associated with dangers and men are likely to prefer a 12% more red car than women. Along with this, it is also true that most sports cars are red in color, which are made for high speed. This makes sense that why red color is considered more dangerous.
Risk from other colors
The next most dangerous car color is brown, where 59% of car owners have said to join the accident. Black car drivers should also be very cautious, as 57% of drivers have reported incidents with this color car. Black color in Britain is the second most popular car color, with more than 3,24,000 motors in this shed, so it is no surprise that it is also included in the list of top three dangerous colors.
What is the combination of color and accidents
After all, what is the combination between colors and accidents, then the easy answer is that light colored cars are easily visible in the dark of night, while dark colored cars are not seen suddenly or from far away. This is the reason that the accident of white and yellow colored cars is low and they are easily visible. Even in the light of the day, the dark color matches the glow of the road and the sun and becomes the cause of the accident.
New Delhi,Delhi
February 23, 2025, 10:36 IST
Which color car causes more accident! Which color is the most safe