What is the definition of a good relationship? Some people believe that if there is mutual understanding in the relationship then every couple can get along well and this can create a healthy relationship. But even those relationships where there is understanding are often not happy with their relationship because that relationship has become a burden for them. There is no lack of love and newness in such a relationship. Maintaining the relationship becomes a duty. This Rotten Relationship It is said. Rotten means to rot. Any thing rots only when it is not given attention, it becomes old, tasteless and dull. Rotten relationship is also a similar relationship in which there is suffocation, infidelity, there is no respect, things are imposed.
Unhappy story of couples
Compared to other countries of the world, the divorce rate in India is 1% but many people are not happy with their relationship. Husband and wife live under one roof but when it comes to love, respect and equality, the relationship appears hollow. It is important to have egalitarian partnership in every relationship. Psychology Today According to this, egalitarian partnership in couples means equality. When work, responsibilities, expectations, expenses, property, losses…everything is divided equally between the two partners, then a balance is created in their relationship and this makes the relationship stronger. This partnership is lacking in Indian couples because cooking, washing utensils, washing clothes, sweeping, buying vegetables or taking care of children are seen as only women’s work. Even though she is a working woman and goes to office every day like her husband, she still has to do all the work. When this balance gets disturbed, the wife starts feeling lonely and such a relationship gradually turns into a rotten relationship.
lack of communication
Nowadays, many couples are so lost in their own world that there is a communication gap between them. Relationship Expert Aashita Bhargava She says that the husband is busy with office work the whole day and does not leave his mobile at home. At the same time, the wife spends her entire day in household work and looking after the children. Due to this, there is little or no conversation between the two. Lack of communication is a warning sign in a relationship. Ever since people have become prisoners of mobile phones, the distance between couples has increased. Now husband-wife are hardly able to find time for each other, whereas it is necessary to make a rule at home that couples leave their mobiles outside the bedroom so that both can talk to each other.
High earning couples are more unhappy than low earning couples (Image-Canva)
Women are not intimate?
When couples touch each other lovingly, a love hormone called oxytoxin is released from the body. It increases cuddling behavior between couples and makes both of them feel in love. But when women become mothers, the touch they get from the child or when they breastfeed, releases this hormone in their body. Due to this, their desire to come closer to their husband reduces or disappears. For this reason, intimacy between couples starts decreasing after having children. healthline According to a study published in , 26.7% women admitted that after having a child, they have not come close to their husbands for the last one year, while 17.5% women said that they have not had a physical relationship with their husbands for the last 5 years.
dominate each other
Many couples start dominating each other to get their point across. Many times, in a relationship, one person remains pressured by his partner. He is never able to speak or express his views. In such a relationship it is not love but fear that dominates. In such a relationship, one partner is living his married life by strangulating his dreams. This shows the lack of balance in the marriage. from germany University of Bamberg According to the research done in 2010, the marriage of couples who do not have power balance between them never ends, but due to fear, there is always a question in the mind of one of the partners that what will happen to them if the marriage breaks. In such a marriage, there is no love but only a pretense of love.
More married men are active on dating apps than women (Image-Canva)
looking for love outside
People who are in rotten relationships, secretly start looking for love outside. glitan Nam’s dating site conducted a survey in which there were many people who were married. 30% people created profiles on dating apps while hiding their marital status. He said that he is not happy with his marriage so he is looking for a new partner. This kind of thinking gives rise to extra marital affairs in marriage.
no boundaries
Healthy relationship is considered best only when husband and wife live their respective lives independently. Relationship does not mean interfering in each other’s life at all. If the wife likes travelling, meeting friends or taking spa or the husband likes parties, outings or playing with friends, then they should not be stopped. Every person has his own unique personality and he likes to live his life in his own way. There is only one mantra for a healthy relationship – live and let live. But when the couple starts crossing each other’s boundaries, bitterness starts developing in the minds of both of them towards each other.
Tag: female delivery, women’s health, Physical relationship, relationship, Rishton Ki Party
first published : October 22, 2024, 3:08 pm IST