What kind of climate conference! Thousands of Amazon forest wiped to build a highway


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Amazon Forest News: For the COP30 Climate Conference, four-lane highway is being constructed in Brazilian vines. The state government is calling it “sustainable” development, but environmentalists are angry.

Amazon forests are being cut to build the road. (BBC)


  • A highway is being built by cutting Amazon rainforest for the COP30 conference.
  • The state government is calling it “sustainable” development, environmentalists are angry.
  • Local people and scientific are worried about deforestation.

New Delhi. A new four-lane highway is being constructed by cutting thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest for the COP30 Climate Conference to be held in Brazilian cities Bells. Its purpose is to make traffic easier in the city, where more than 50,000 people – including world leaders – will participate in this conference to be held in November.

The state government is describing this highway as an example of “continuous” development, but some local people and environmentalists are angry with its environmental influence. Amazon plays an important role in absorbing carbon and providing biodiversity for the world, and many people say that this deforestation is contrary to the purpose of the climate conference.

Partially built on the roadside, lush green rainforests are standing on both sides-reminding what was here before. There are piles of wood on the cleaned land, which extends more than 13 kilometers (8 mi) to the vibration through the rainforest. Excaving machines and other equipment are cutting the road by cutting the forest land, making a road by cutting the wetland, which will pass through a protected area.

Claudio Verequette lives about 200 meters away from the place where the road will be built. He earlier used to earn his income by cutting the crop of Açaí Berry from those trees which were once at that place. Pointing to the clean, he told the BBC, “Everything was destroyed. Our crop has already been harvested. Now we do not have an income source to run our family. “

He said that he has not received any compensation from the state government and he is currently dependent on his savings. They are worried that the construction of this road will cause more forest harvesting in the future, as now this sector is more accessible to businesses. Claudio said, “Our fear is that one day someone will come here and say: ‘There are some money here. We need this area to build a gas station or to build a warehouse. And then we have to leave from here. We were born and raised here in our community. Where will we go? “

His community will not be able to join the road, as there are walls on both sides. He said, “The highway we live on the side, there will be no benefit for us. The benefit will be to those trucks who will pass through here. If someone becomes ill and has to go to the center of the bell, we will not be able to use it. ” The road separates two protected forest areas. Scientists are worried that this will disintegrate the ecosystem and disrupted the movement of wildlife. Professor Silvia Sardinha is a wildlife doctor and researcher, who works in a university animal hospital, who sees the new highway site. She and his team rehabilitate wild animals, mostly injuries due to humans or vehicles.


What kind of climate conference! Thousands of Amazon forest wiped to build a highway


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