What is the best time to have dinner? If you want to stay fit, then know what to eat and who to say no to


Know the right time and food for dinner: Getting ready to rush to the office as soon as you wake up in the morning, or getting the kids’ lunch, or working from home for long hours… our lives are full of hustle and bustle. The biggest loss or impact of this fast and busy lifestyle is borne by our health and our body. Often, in the midst of all this speed and busyness, we ignore our bodies the most. Our diet is most important for health and staying fit. Often we eat food but ignore the right time and healthy diet and move ahead. Nutrition-rich food and a balanced diet are very important for a healthy body. But even after taking care of all these things, the thing that can affect your health the most is your dinner.

Wrong timing of dinner ruins your sleep
Nowadays on social media, you get to hear many things about dinner time. While some experts say that dinner should be taken by 6 o’clock, some experts say that it is not the time of the food but its quality that affects the health. According to the report of IANS, experts and some research suggest that to stay fit, attention should be paid to dinner. Also, there are some items which it is better to say no to. Often people get late in returning home due to working late in the office or for some other reason. Or due to watching TV and being busy with mobile, we are not able to eat dinner properly at the right time. After the fatigue of the whole day, it is very important to have dinner at the right time. Being careless in this also causes difficulty in digesting food and also disturbs night sleep.

One should not eat heavy meals or junk food at night.

Dinner should be an hour before sleeping
According to health experts, breakfast should be heavy and dinner should be very light. This keeps the metabolism and digestion process right. Heavy food causes digestive problems. Dinner should not be taken too late. There should be at least a three-hour gap between dinner and sleep. Dinner should include roti, dal, mixed vegetables, salad and green leafy vegetables. Leafy green vegetables are rich in fiber. Its consumption keeps both health and digestive system good. Khichdi made of lentils, lentil soup, vegetable salad, oats and porridge are good for dinner. These are easily digestible. So overall, the food should be such that it can be digested easily.

A very important thing! Often we consume tea or coffee while working for long hours, but drinking it after dinner causes trouble in sleeping. Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which takes away your sleep. In such a situation, one should avoid drinking it. Drinking lukewarm milk at some interval after dinner is considered good for health, it strengthens bones and also gives good sleep.

Tags: eat healthy, health benefit


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