Wear the same underwear for 3-4 days, men change this habit, remove such private part hair, do hygiene maintenance with these 5 tips


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Genital Hygiene Tips for Men: Men should also take special care of their private part hygiene like women. Some men wear the same underwear for two-three days. This may cause you infection. Let’s know …Read more

Use lukewarm water to clean the private part.


  • Wear clean underwear and do not wear tight clothes.
  • Clean the private part with lukewarm water.
  • Trim the pubic hair, do not clean it completely.

Often experts talk about personal hygiene. Be it women or men, they should also take full care of their body cleanliness, hygiene along with food. Talk about cleaning private parts, women take more care of it, but most men ignore this. Especially men should also take care of the cleaning of their genital area, as they focus on making their hairstyle, beard-mustache, making a body. Due to unhealthy and unhappy genital area, men can also have problems like infection, boils, itching, redness, burning, rashes etc. In such a situation, you want that you do not have any kind of infection, if you do not have to have two or four from genital problems, then take these precautions.

5 tips for men’s private part hygiene

-To protect the private part from infection, men should not wear the same underwear for 3-4 days. There are many men who wear the same chadi for two-three days in laziness. Many times, due to being on the field or not taking more clothes on travel, it has to be done, but do not apply perfume, powder etc. in the private part to reduce the smel. You may have irritation, infection. In such a situation, you should take a bath and clean the genital area thoroughly.

In the heat, underwear and then tight pants, wearing jeans, sweat more. The skin of the private part is not able to breathe openly. Due to this, there is moisture due to sweating, which can cause redness, rashes, skin irritation, infection. Wear clean underwear every day in summer. The genital area remains dry, especially when your work is of travel. Have to run in the sun throughout the day.

-Clean the underwear thoroughly in Dettol or anti-bacterial liquid soap. Dry it well in the sun, so that there is no infection. Bacteria will die well. Due to moisture, bacteria grow quickly. Wash separate underwear, vest etc., not with other clothes.

– It is also necessary to keep the pricing area dry. Men sweat more than women. In such a situation, try too tight jeans, do not wear pants in summer season. If you go to the toilet, then clean the private part with tissue paper, so that there is no moisture.

-Use lukewarm water to clean the private part. Do not apply soap, no cream, lotion. Use mild soap. Do not clean the pubic hair completely, rather you can trim. Private part hair protects against skin infection. Use a razor. Do not take the ration used by others. The hair of the Pubik area is slightly hard, so take a bath before using the razor so that the hair becomes soft. One can also apply a moisturizer. This will not make the skin look too dry.

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Wear only one underwear, change this habit for 3-4 days, do hygiene maintenance with 5 tips


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