Was happily went abroad, ‘Light’ did such a game as soon as he reached, got a return ticket


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After reaching Italy, the young man had a thing that after hearing that the ground slipped under his feet. This young man could barely live in the city of Italy for 24 hours and then he was there by the security agencies… what is the whole matter, to know …Read more


  • Diso Davis Depart from Italy due to fake resident permit.
  • Digo Davis in custody at Delhi Airport.
  • Search for fake permits continues.

Airport news: A light of a light has become a weapon for the person who has come abroad happily with the dream of new life. Due to this light, his dreams not only collapsed like a sand fort, but within 24 hours he was moved from the city of his dreams. Even after reaching Delhi Airport from the city of dreams, his problem did not end. In this person, a long interrogation was done in custody and then he was arrested and sent behind bars.

Actually, this story is of a young man named Diso Davis living in Thrissur city of Kerala. Digo left for Italy from IGI Airport on 23 January. At IGI Airport, Digo received immigration clearance on the basis of police residents permit. This resident permit was valid till 3 January 2027. Digo managed to reach Italy from IGI Airport without any trouble. But the way ahead of this was full of trouble for him.

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UV light opened the poll
During the immigration check at Italy Airport, as soon as UV lights were put on the Polish Resident Permit of Digo, some security features were absent from it. After which, inquiry was started by detaining Diso Davis. After interrogation, it was decided to depart Doho back to India. Under the verdict, Digo was submitted within 24 hours and sent to IGI Airport from Air India flight AI-138.

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Search for fake permits begins
At the same time, even after reaching IGI Airport, Digo’s trouble did not diminish. The airline security handed him over to the Bureau of Immigration. After the initial inquiry, Immigration has also handed over the Digo to the IGI Airport. At the same time, the IGI Airport Police has arrested the Digo and sent it behind bars. Also, it is trying to find out who provided this fake Polish Resident Permit to him.


Happily went abroad, ‘Light’ did such a game as soon as he reached, got a return ticket


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