More than eight lakh candidates will appear for the exam UPSC Mains Exam This examination, conducted annually by the Union Public Service Commission, is the second stage of the recruitment process for central services and posts.
Candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam venue without a copy of their e-admit card. However, it is necessary to take a printout of the document and carry it along as mobile phones are not allowed inside the entry venue.
What is included in the list of ‘restricted’ items?
– Candidate Mobile phones or any other electronic devices will not be allowed inside the event venue — even if they are turned off. This list includes “any electronic device or programmable device or storage media,” such as pen drives or smart watches as well as cameras, Bluetooth devices and more.
– Things like books and bags will not be allowed inside the campus. Candidates have to carry their own stuff only. E-Admit CardPens, pencils, photo ID proof, copies of own photographs and any other items specified in the instructions.
– Incendiary materials such as matches or cigarette lighters are prohibited.
– Candidates are also cautioned against bringing valuable items into the examination hall or UPSC premises, as their safety cannot be guaranteed.
The list of banned items for the UPSC personality test (interview) to be held after the main exam will remain unchanged. Violation may lead to disciplinary action – including cancellation of candidature or debarment from all future selections and even filing of a police complaint.
The FAQ document uploaded on the UPSC website states, “Candidates are advised to reach the examination venue well in advance to ensure smooth entry inside the examination venue after following the necessary protocols. Candidates are to note that as per the current policy of the Commission, entry to the examination venue is closed 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination session.”
Candidates who come after the examination centre is closed will not be allowed to appear for the examination.