The old video of Saif Ali Khan, who performed Surya Namskar, will inspire you to work outside and join the Sun’s energy. Watch


Kareena Kapoor took an oath by Yoga including Surya Namskar to maintain her physical and mental welfare. The actor has often talked about the benefits of yoga and has shared his Surya Namskar routine with fans. But do you know that Kareena Kapoor’s husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, also includes Surya Namskar in his routine to improve flexibility and overall fitness? Also read Alia Bhatt Acest Priya Namskar with Sis Shahen Bhatt leaves fans at Away

Have you seen Saif Ali Khan performing Surya Namaskar in a throbac video? See it here. (Instagram/ Saif Ali Khan Pataudi World)

Watch saif ali khan’s surya namaskar video

A fan page recently shared the throbac video of Saif Ali Khan and wrote on Instagram, “Thruoback to Saq (Saif Ali Khan) is doing Surya Namskar – a true reminder who knows his basics All can fight the fight. Stay consistent, be strong. Practice makes all differences! ,

In undeclared videos, SAIF shows proper alignment and technique while performing the sun Namaskar in a garden, possibly during a holiday. As he showed the various physical postures of Surya Namskar, the actor breathed and breathed through each step. To keep an eye:

12 physical postures of Surya Namaskar

The 12 currencies of Surya Namaskar are Pranamasana, Hastutansana, Hastapadan, Ashthana Sanchhelana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namskar, Bhujangasana, Ado Mukh Savanasana, Ahwa Shanchalasana, Hustapadasanana, and Tadasan.

In a 2023 Instagram post, Celebrity Nutritionist Ruzuta DiVkar highlighted people’s common mistakes while making Surya Namskar, which could cause health issues and deny its health benefits. He shared the details:

1. The shoulders fall towards the ears

When we bend forward to touch our palms instead of moving our shoulders away from our ears, we bring them to our ears. Therefore, if you want to expand your knees, make your hips the longest part of your body. Keep your palms down, lift your shoulders, and move them away from your ears and not towards them.

2. The hips are not aligned

The second mistake is that when you go into a plank, instead of squeezing the hips and pushing the thigh down, we reduce our thighs or allow your hips to get out. So squeeze your hips and place them and the thighs together in a straight line.

3. We fall on our front body

When we go down on a dog downwards, instead of making our hips the longest part of our body and pushing ourselves back, we fall on our front body. Raise yourself from your front body. Remember again to keep the shoulders away from the ears.

Rujuta also recommended to start the Surya Namaskar on top of his mat, removed all the jewelery while doing asanas and did at least three rounds daily.

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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