Mumbai Actress and former Miss Universe Lara Dutta is preparing for her upcoming web series ‘Strategy: Balakot and Beyond’. She said that with age she is also freeing herself from the idea of being glamorous.
Instead of looking glamorous, their aim is to focus on characters who make a place in the hearts of the audience. Expressing her desire to work on psychological crime theme, the actress said that she can easily play a negative character without any hesitation.
The attraction of glamor is decreasing with increasing age.
Lara said that as I am growing up, I am freeing myself from the thought of being glamorous or being seen only as having a big title. Instead, I’m focusing on the kind of work I’ve been wanting to do for some time. Nowadays, women are moving forward in all types of work, from making films to writing scripts.
Tag: Lara Dutta
first published : April 22, 2024, 7:57 pm IST