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If you work on it by applying phone charging, then leave this habit immediately. Because it can cause your destruction. Know how here?
Never make these mistakes while charging smartphones
- Do not use phone charging and use it.
- Always use original charger only.
- Do not charge the phone excessively.
New Delhi . In this digital age, when the smartphone has become important in our life, it has become very difficult to stay away from it. Many people cannot even be patient to leave the smartphone on the charge for some time. And your restlessness about smartphones forces you to use it even if you are engaged in phone charge many times. Do you also do this? If yes, then understand that you are kneading with your life.
Because using the phone on chargeing, using it not only makes the phone battery weak and can damage the phone, but it can also harm you. So whenever you apply the smartphone on the charge, keep these special things in mind.
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Never make these mistakes while charging the phone:
1. Always use the original charger: Always charge your phone with his charger. Do not use cheap or local charger. This causes the battery of the phone to damage and the circuit also deteriorates.
2. Do not use it by applying the phone on charging: If you are playing the game on it by putting the phone on the charge or watching the video or talking to someone, then the battery of the phone can be hot and this causes the battery damage very fast. The smartphone can also burst.
3. Do not charge more than necessary: If you leave your phone in charge for the whole night, then change this habit now. Because this makes the battery life very bad. New handsets have auto cut features nowadays, but even then keeping the phone on the charge for a long time, the performance of the battery deteriorates.
4. Protect from heat: If you are charging the smartphone, do not keep it in the sun or in any warm place. The battery can burst due to more heat.
5. Do not charge after the phone is fully discussed: If you use the battery of the phone till 0, then it also spoils the battery. According to the expert, your phone should always be charged between 20-80%. This keeps the phone’s battery life good.
New Delhi,Delhi
February 16, 2025, 10:40 IST
Do you do this work by applying phone charging? This habit will destroy