While traveling to Europe, Margax Lantalme saw something different about the store cashier: he made his work down. It was an opposite opposite of Chicago, where Lantalme works as a register in REI and the cashiers usually spend eight hours a day on their feet.
For lantalme, a former kayaking instructor, long standing uplifting can trigger the chronic pain that limits his mobility. He requested to use a chair during his innings and became one. But after a change in management, he had to fill the paperwork to keep the chair, which requires several doctors’ seizures and insurance co-payments over a period of months. She is still waiting for final approval.
“There is no access to a chair without approval from a doctor, which is the cost of money and time and energy, really ridiculous,” Lantalme said. “I personally think that people should be able to reach work, whenever they need it.”
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Pain, pain and complications
According to a review done by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, standing for a long period can cause less back pain, fatigue, muscle pain and leg swell Can increase. Researchers there concluded that the movement, whether it is running in a sitting or standing in a state of inclination, seemed to be the best way to reduce those health hazards.
Being on someone’s feet for an extended time can also cause chronic venous insufficiency, a disease in which damaged veins affect blood circulation, according to the association of periapent registered nurses, which represent operating room nurses.
The association “tried to” try to promote fatigue techniques such as a leg promoting one foot, using anti-catathy mats, using a steps stool and wearing supporting shoes, ” Lisa Sprous said, “Senior Director of Evidence-based Perioporative said. Practice on AORN.
Right to sit
In addition to nursing, many jobs require to stand extended: Department Store Sales Clerk, Herdrester, Surgeon, Restaurant cooks and airport workers are some people who play their role on their feet.
The 43 -year -old Cecilia worked as a wheelchair attendant of an airport at Ortis, Phoenix. “It takes really hard toll on the knees,” he said. There were three or four chairs in the brake room, which were not enough for all, so workers often used to go to the hallway and sat on the floor, said Ortizes.
She said that she was once written by her boss to sit at an electronic device charging station for 15 minutes when she was on her feet without a break for five hours.
The Ortis now works for a warehouse that provides supplies to the airport, and when it needs to sit, it can do it.
“It is not so strict there. If we need to sit for any reason, there is no problem, ”said the Ortis.
His former employer, Prospect Airport Services said it follows all local, state and federal labor rules. Company spokesman Jackie Ready said, “Our employees are welcome to take their brakes and food in our nominated brake room or at any normal use at the entire airport.” “This policy allows our employees to choose the location that corresponds to their needs.”
Considered workers have access to chairs at Barns and Nobles Store at Union Square, Manhattan and the right to sit under certain conditions is a part of their interaction for their first contract.
“Now I have been on a job, I have started notinging knee issues, especially because we bend a lot and stand back when we are cold and showing customers’ things and keeping the display Are, “Bookseller bear Speigel, 28, said. “It would be really useful to be able to be available to be available a stool, so I can rest my knees for a few minutes throughout the day, while I am doing things on the computer while I am in the registers.”
He said that Speigel’s colleagues have suggested wearing knee brace and athletic tape, and those solutions have helped, but it is difficult for them to guess on what days they will require additional support because their symptoms will be required each day They are different, they said.
“It has been the days that I have requested a stool and thankfully my managers have allowed me to take them out and use them when needed,” Speigel said.
A company spokesperson said that the Barns and Nobel use regular chairs or stools for those working with the sale floor when it is sensible to do so, but a lot of bookseller work is done on this step Goes, which includes unpacking, sorting and cold storage, a company spokesperson said.
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which represents about 100,000 workers, is emphasizing to include in contracts that interact in Barns & Noble, which is a guaranteed right to sit during work, Which may be sitting, Stuart Epelbam said, Stuart Epelbam said, Stuart Epelbam said, the president of the Sangh.
During a bargain session, an employer objected to the demand. Union negotiaters used a brake that emptied the conference room to underline its position. “The employer came back and saw that we have removed all the chairs from the conversation table,” said Epelbam. “I think the point was made.”
Finally, the Sangh found chairs that were written in the contract, he said.
Once sitting was a protected right
Around the 20th century turn, most states in the US had laws required to sit for women workers. Women were rapidly entering the workforce, and there was a fear that if they were physically doing their jobs, they could not be pregnant, Elene Boris, a labor historian and Professor at the University of California, said Santa Barbara.
Women were “seen as mothers of mankind, and thus we have to protect motherhood,” Boris said. “Almost every state had laws, but they were not implemented.”
Those laws were canceled over time as they applied only to women. One reason was that the women’s movement was insisting on equal rights rather than special treatment, Boris said.
In other countries, labor movements were more successful in establishing the requirements about seating. Boris said, “The English shop movement was very strong and there were more men in it than in America.”
In 1964, the International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency, adopted the workplace standards, in which employers needed to present sufficient and appropriate seats, as well as the appropriate opportunity for workers to use them. More than 50 countries confirmed the agreement, but America was not one of them.
Today, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, Oregon and Visconsin, are among the states with “sit” laws, which bind employers to sit suitable for all workers, even if without caring for the penis , According to state assemblies. ,
The city of Ain Arber, Michigan approved an ordinance in October, requiring manufacturers, retail stores, laundromets, hotels, restaurants, hairdresors, barbers and skin care professionals, which workers who have their duties to sit to sit for their duties Do not interfere in A statewide bill was also introduced in Michigan.
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