Should curry be combing curly hair every day? Learn the right way of hair comb, otherwise hair will be broom


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Should You Comb Curly Hair Every Day: Sometimes hair gets tangled badly. Some people say that curly hair should be combated every day, some recommend not to sweep the hair for several days. Let us know …Read more

Those whose hair is curly, they have to face many problems.

Should you comb curly hair every day: Some people have very silky and very straight hair, while some people have curly ie curly. The curly hair of men is small, due to which they will not have that much problem in combing the hair. Women and college going girls have a lot of problems in this. Many times hair gets entangled badly. Some people say that curly hair should be combated every day, some recommend not to sweep the hair for several days. Let us know, women who have hair curly, should they shut hair every day.

When should you comb in curly hair
-The manual hair has to be taken care of every day, because they get more entangled. Combing repeatedly can spoil hair curls. This can also spoil the look. If there is a habit of combing 5-6 times a day, then there may be a problem of fridge in curly hair. This can make the hair very dry.

-Due to lack of moisture in the hair, these fridge is seen, dry. If the comb does not do it properly, then it can break the hair more. This can weaken hair.

-When the hair is wet, then comb. They do not break much from this. Use only wide tooth comb. This will not break the hair and will be solved easily.


Should curry be combing curly hair every day? Learn the correct way of hair comb


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