SBI Admit Card 2025: State Bank of India Junior Associate-Grand Assistance and Prelims Examination Admit Card is ready for the recruitment of sales. Once released, candidates can check their admit card on the official website IE
When will the SBI release the admit card for the prielium exam?
According to the official notification, the admit card will still be out.
Tentative dates for conducting the preliminary examination are 22nd, 27th, 28 February 2025 and 1 March 2025. The link for download of call letters for the preliminary examination will be published on the bank website by 10 February 2025. Candidates are advised to be ready. Participate in the preliminary examination. ,
Steps to download the admit card
visit SBI official website That is
Click on the active link on “Junior Associates Admit Card Recruitment”
After the date of birth, enter your registration number
Your admit card will appear on the screen
Check all the details, download and take it for the exam
What is the selection process recruitment and paper pattern of Junior Associates?
According to the official notification, the selection process will include the on-line test (preliminary and main examination) and the specified local language test.
Paper pattern for preliminary exam
Step-I: Preliminary Examination: Online preliminary examination will be conducted online with objective tests for 100 marks. This test will be of 1-hour period including 3 sections:
Notification It is also said, “The objective tests will have negative marks for the wrong answer. The 1/4th of the mark assigned for the question will be cut for each wrong answer. No minimum qualification marks have been determined for individual testing or for total scores. Section wise marks will not be maintained. ,
“Sufficient Number of candidates In each category fixed by the bank (about 10 times the number of vacancies. Under availability) will be shortlisted for the main examination, which has been organized from the list of all the candidates, which is organized in the descending order of the aggregate marks. Are. ,