Rupali Ganguly had fun on the sets of ‘Anupama’, asked a special question while sitting in ‘Baa’s’ lap, got a funny answer


New Delhi: Actress Rupali Ganguly was in the news recently for her personal life and the show ‘Anupam’. She often shares beautiful and funny posts with fans on Instagram. He has shared a video, which is from the sets of ‘Anupama’. While sharing the video, the actress wrote in the caption, ‘Anupama and Ba…we call this Ba-attitude. This is common behavior while shooting with each other. Alpana Butch, you trouble me a lot, I love you. Referring to her saree at the end of the caption, the actress further wrote, ‘By the way, I like this saree very much and this is my favorite blouse, Nisha Bedi (fashion designer).’

In the video you can see that Rupali Ganguly comes to Alpana, sits on her lap and then asks her how she is looking? On this, Alpana says jokingly, it looks like a sofa cover or a purse, to which Rupali says, ‘I am a curtain, I am a curtain.’ On his answer, Alpana says in a funny manner, ‘So go and stay behind the curtain.’


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