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Candidates who have appeared for the exam can download the RRB ALP result 2024 from the official websites of RRB once announced.
Through this recruitment exam, RRB aims to fill a total of 18,799 vacancies (representative image/file).
RRB ALP Results 2024: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is expected to release results for Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment Examination 2024 soon. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can download the RRB ALP result 2024 from the official websites of RRB once announced.
The recruitment boards released the answer key along with the question papers of the candidates along with the provisional answer key on December 5, 2024. Candidates were allowed to increase objections against the answer key by 10 December.
RRB ALP Results 2024: Steps to check
step 1: Visit RRB’s respective regional official websites
step 2: On the homepage, click on the link for RRB ALP Results 2024
step 3: Now enter your login credentials on the newly opened page
step 4: Click the submit button and your RRB ALP result will appear on the 2024 screen
Step 5: Download Answer Key, check, and increase objections if any
The Computer-based test of ALP (CEN 01/2024) for RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment was conducted last year on 25 November, 26, 27, 28 and 29 November. Through this recruitment examination, the purpose of RRB is to fill a total of 18,799 vacancies of assistant loco pilots in the organization across India. RRBS initially published 5,696 Assistant Loco Pilot openings, which was later expanded till 18,799 due to “additional demand from the zonal railway”.
Also read RSMSSB CET Results 2024 declared at, steps for investigation
The selection process includes five stages: Computer-based tests or CBT 1, CBT 2, Computer-based Aptitude Test (CBAT), Document Verification (DV), and Medical Examination (ME). Candidates should have all the exams to be selected for jobs. They should note that both computer-based tests, which carry CBT1 and CBT 2 negative signs. If an answer is incorrect, one-third of the total marks will be cut for that particular question. However, there is no negative marking on the CBAT or aptitude test.