Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the dates of another computer based test (CBT 2) for Assistant Loco Pilot (High mountain) Recruitment exam, 2024. He has also announced that CBT 2 for various posts IsDMS, CMA, etc. have been re -determined.
According to the official notification, RRB ALP CBT 2 will be held on 19 and 20 March.
It states that the revised date for JE and other posts’ CBT 2 exam will be published in the appointed time.
The link to download the examination city, date and travel authority (SC, ST candidates) will be lived live on RRB websites 10 days before the date of examination.
Also read: RPF SI Results 2024 announced, direct links and cut-off marks here
E-call letters or admit card exams will be issued four days before the date of examination mentioned in the city and date intemission link.
RRBS said that biometric authentication of candidates will be done at the examination centers before entering the examination center using the Aadhaar card. Therefore, all candidates need to bring their original Aadhaar card or printout of e-satisfied Aadhaar.
RRB has advised the candidates to certify their identity through Aadhar verification, if not already done, by logging in with their credentials on rrbapply.gov.in to facilitate smooth entry into the examination center.
“Candidates are advised to refer to the official websites of RRB only for the latest updates on the recruitment process. Please do not mislead from informal sources. Beware of touts trying to mislead candidates with fake promises of appointment for jobs on illegal idea. RRB selections are based on computer based tests and recruitment is only based on the merit of candidates, ” Notification Reads
The ALP recruitment exam is for 18,799 Assistant Loco Pilot Vacancies. RRBS first advertised 5696 vacancies, but later increased to 18,799 in view of “additional demand from zonal railway”.
The JE recruitment exam is for 7,951 vacancies, 17 of which are for chemical supervisors / research and metallurgy supervisors / research posts and 7,934 Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent and Chemical and Dharmatikhak as assistant posts.