21 February, 2025 08:57 pm
Residue cholesterol is a low familiar type of cholesterol that can have a serious effect on the heart. Here is all that you need to know.
Cholesterol is an important indicator of heart health. For heart -related medical tests, cholesterol is one of the primary elements tested. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Sandeep Khasa, Cardiologist, Ujala Scigas Group of hospitals said, “Increasing research shows that residue is a less familiar form of cholesterol, cholesterol, which can be even more specific and important markers for forecasting heart attacks. And stroke risk. , Also read Top 5 foods to fight high cholesterol levels
What is residue cholesterol?
Dr. Sandeep Khasa explained, “Residue cholesterol residue is the cholesterol present in lipoprotein, which are the remains after triglycerides, removed from very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Unlike LDL cholesterol, which is also as” bad cholesterol ” Known, the residue is present in cholesterol triglyceride-rich lipoprotein and It is considered more atheorogenic or the arteries have more trend to give birth to plaque buildups. “
Why is the residue cholesterol important?
The cardiologist said, “High residue cholesterol levels are associated with high risk of heart disease, even in people with normal LDL cholesterol levels,” said the cardiologist. He further stated that the residue cholesterol can be a serious implication on heart health. Also read Are you targeting the goals of wrong cholesterol? From diet to medicines, here is how young adults can protect their hearts

“This increased risk residue is the behavior of lipoprotein. These lipoproteins are most likely to accumulate in the artery walls, causing inflammation and formation of plaque – another major cause of atherosclerosis. Unlike LDL cholesterol, which are mainly transported to tissues, residue cholesterol -containing particles are more likely to be transmitted long. This increases the chances of arterial injury, ”Dr. Sandeep Khati was highlighted. Also read New guidelines emphasize cholesterol testing: 5 expert tips for healthy heart
How can residue cholesterol affect heart health?
Highlighting this, the cardiologist explained, “Given the rapid relationship between the residue cholesterol and the incidence of the heart, the physicians are assuming it as an important aspect in determining the risk of heart disease. Controlling residue cholesterol can sometimes require a balance between a healthy heart diet such as lifestyle adjustment, exercising regularly and drugs in specific conditions. ” Dr. Sandeep Khasa said that the inclusion of residue cholesterol in standard cholesterol testing may help in intervening and better prevention against heart attacks and strokes. Also read 5 warning signals of high cholesterol on your face and eyes
Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.

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