One in four older adults in the U.S. falls each year, putting them at risk for injuries, broken bones and even death. Falls are a growing public health concern as record numbers of people in the nation’s population reach age 65 — now and in the future. But while falls may be common, they are not inevitable. “The more we work, the more we realize that healthy aging doesn’t have to include falling,” said Cara McDermott, a falls researcher at Duke University School of Medicine.
Here are some tips to reduce your risk of falling:
Protect your house from collapse
Start by organizing your home: consider removing small rugs, changing to dim lighting and not storing dishes in hard-to-reach places. Then, aim to provide extra stability in places where it’s easy to lose your balance. Install railings on both sides of stairs, add grab bars in bathrooms and put anti-slip strips on hardwood or tile floors. Keeping your home clean is also important: don’t leave items on the floor and clean up spills before they dry out and become hard to handle.
Consider using a walker or cane to keep yourself steady, but make sure it’s right for your height and that you know how to use it properly. The National Institute on Aging has a complete guide on its website with room-by-room tips for protecting your home from falls.
do exercises to build strength and balance
Let’s get back to basics with Newton’s first law: A body in motion stays in motion. That is, staying active can help prevent future problems — even if you’ve fallen before and are worried it might happen again. Many exercises that can help prevent falls, even if your mobility is limited, include chair yoga, tai chi and walking. “That doesn’t mean you have to go out and start running marathons or something like that, but just[do]functional exercises,” McDermott said.
Make exercise fun and social, by sitting in a group with others or playing with grandchildren. The main thing: know your limits and do what your doctor says is right for you.
Medications May Raise Your Risk
Many medications can have side effects, such as dizziness, sleepiness, or other things that can throw off your balance.
McDermott said older adults should talk to their primary care doctor about all the medications they’re taking — and how they might work in combination. A primary care doctor or pharmacist can see the whole picture and help find alternative medications that won’t throw you off balance.
But, she added, “I would never recommend anyone stop a medication without talking to their doctor.”
Keep track of screenings
Changes in hearing, vision and other senses are common as you age, and this can lead to falls. Get your hearing and vision checked regularly. Bone health matters, too. The Mayo Clinic estimates that 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, which weakens bones and increases the chance of breaking something if you fall.
Taking vitamin D and calcium can help improve bone health, and if needed, your doctor can check your bone density and recommend treatment.
Falls are usually not caused by just one thing
Knowing that falls can have many causes, follow some of the previous tips to reduce your risk. And, if you do fall, tell your doctor — even if it seems minor. Falls can have many effects and you should address the root cause to prevent it from becoming a pattern. “It may be a one-time thing, but get it checked out anyway,” McDermott said.