Emphasis has been laid on the need for overall education to improve economic survey employment Future workforce. It also emphasizes the requirement of online and offline education models for each other complement, an essential requirement that emerged after an epidemic.
The survey indicates that India’s schooling system completes 248 million students in 1.47 million schools, supported by 9.8 million teachers. Government schools form 69% of these institutions, with 51% of the teaching staff, 50% of the student population is educated. In contrast, private schools represent 22.5% schools, 32.6% of students with 38% teachers.
The National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 by 2020, a target achieving 100% gross enrollment ratio (GER) by 2030. Currently, the ger is almost universal at the primary level, at 93%. Initiatives are being taken to discontinue enrollment gaps at the secondary level (77.4%) and higher secondary level (56.2%), leading the country to its target of inclusive and equitable education for all. Ger is the percentage of students enrolled in a level of education compared to the population of that age group.
Decline in dropout rate
In addition, there has been a steady decline in school dropout rates in recent years, now 1.9% for primary, 5.2% for upper primary and 14.1% for secondary education. Despite these reforms, challenges remain in student retention, 85.4% for primary education (classes I to v), 78% for primary (from class I to VIII), 63.8% for Secondary (Classes I to X) , And 45.6% to higher secondary (from classes I to XII)
Kamlesh Vyas, partner of Consulting firm Deloite India, said, “Dropout rates among school children have decreased in schools, but they are 1.9% for primary schools, 5.2% for upper primary schools and 14.1% in secondary schools.”
“All these students need to be kept back in training programs or in schools, if we have to take advantage of our demographic dividend. What data does not tell us that children have a level of literacy and numerical levels that are not going out. Also be the focus area, “he said.
The success of school education rests not only on the educational achievements of the student, but also on increasing their social and emotional learning (SEL). “A good education enhances a child’s mental and physical health, educational performance and life skills,” the survey states. It also attracts attention to mental health issues in the workforce.
Although online learning and digital technology have made educational access to broaden, the time-based approach of class-based education still still maintains a significant value. The Tamil Nadu government has introduced a cost -effective therapeutic program, which brings education directly to the students’ doorstep. The objective of this initiative is to bridge the educational inequalities of epidemic, promote equity and increase the consequences of learning.