Menopause in your 30s? The study explains how to present the initial signals


Menopause refers to the stage in a woman’s life where they prevent menstruation and perimenopose is the phase that leads to menopause. Perimenopause brings a barrage of symptoms, usually affecting the woman in the latter half of her 40s. However, Dr. of the University of Virginia. According to a new study led by Jennifer Payne, a lot of women are being affected by paraimenopause in the 30s, so serious with symptoms that they are necessary to bring medical attention. Also read Hot flash and mood swings: 4 signs menopause is knocking on your door

The study was conducted on 4,432 American women, where more than half of her 30–35 participants reported similar symptoms as perimenopause. (Unsplash)

Studies Conclusions:

The study was conducted on 4,432 American women, where more than half of their 30–35 participants reported the same symptoms as perimenopose. When consulted with medical experts, the symptoms were recognized as perimenopause. This challenges further perception that it has long been believed that menopause and perimenopause affect women only in the late 40 and 50s.

Study co-writer Dr. A specialist at Jennifer Payne, MD, UVA Health and University of Virginia School of Medicine said in a statement, “Physical and emotional symptoms associated with perimenopose are understood and are often rejected by physicians. This research is more important to fully understand how normal these symptoms are, their effect on women, and to increase awareness among the general public with physicians. , Also read Stop believing in these menopause myths! Here’s what female health experts want to know you

Hot glow and night sweating is common during menopause.
Hot glow and night sweating is common during menopause.

The study is a wake-up call:

Perimenopause and post-meinopause were studied to create public awareness, which is often placed under the same bracket of menopause, making it difficult for women to manage symptoms.

The study suggests that the initial perimenopause sometimes refers to the exempted periods, while the late perimenopose leads to more menstrual irregularity with long periods without menstruation. Also read Defense of bone health during menopause: necessary testing and lifestyle tips

Researchers observed psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression and irritability, and physical symptoms such as sexual diseases, bladder issues and vaginal dryness. From warm glow and night sweat, the classic of menopause was referred to as symptoms of menopause. The study also observed that in perimenopause, cognitive symptoms appear first, giving way to physical symptoms.

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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