Based on the Japanese manga of the same name written and illustrated by Hajime Komoto, Mashley: Magic and Muscles is a popular anime series. It first premiered on April 8, 2023, with Season 1 consisting of 12 episodes. Shortly after the conclusion of its first season, the fantasy animated series was greenlit for Season 2. Since 11 episodes have already aired as part of the second season, anticipation for the upcoming episodes is at a record high as episode 12 will likely be the case. Final episode of the season. Ahead of release, here’s what you need to know:
How many episodes are in Season 2 of Mashable?
Similar to the format of the previous season, Mashable season 2 is expected to consist of a total of 12 episodes. The anime adaptation of Mashable: Magic and Muscles was first announced for July 2022. Produced by A-1 Pictures, the animated series is directed by Tomoya Tanaka, based on a script written by Yusuke Kuroda and character designs by Hisashi Toshima.
Mashley: Magic and Muscles Season 2 Episode 12 Release Date and Time
The episode, titled Mash Bernadette and His Good Friends, is scheduled to release on Saturday, March 30 at 11:30 pm JST. Since the exact timing varies in different regions, you can check the schedule according to your time zone below:
Time Zone | Time | date | Day |
PST | at 9 am | 30 March | Saturday |
cst | 11 am | 30 March | Saturday |
East | 12:00 PM | 30 March | Saturday |
gmt | 5 pm | 30 March | Saturday |
ACST | 2:30 am | 31st March | sunday |
Where to watch Mashley: Magic and Muscles Season 2 Episode 12?
Mashable Season 2 Episode 12 will be aired first in Japan on local television networks like Tokyo MX and BS11. Alternatively, Japanese viewers can stream the episode online on d Anime Store or ABEMA. Meanwhile, international fans will have to wait for the episode to be delayed by two and a half hours on Crunchyroll. It is important to note that the streaming giant requires viewers to subscribe to watch the latest episodes.
What to expect from Mashable Season 2 Episode 12?
Picking up from the past few episodes, episode 12 is likely to focus on Innocent Zero. Hypothetical theories suggest that in the upcoming episode, the headmaster will tell other students about the intensity of the situation. Wahlberg might even praise Mash for his help. With this episode expected to be the season finale, it could end on a good note and show Mash and his friends taking some time to warm up after their recent fights.