Management of muscle and bone pain with yoga, Morarji Desai National Institution of Yoga organized workshop


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Yogic Management for Musculoskeletal Disorders: M. D. R.S. Has organized a yoga workshop on musculoskeletal disorders on 15 February 2024. Dr. Kashinath Samagandi discussed yoga and Ayurvedic techniques. Madhu Khurana …Read more

Benefits of yoga


  • Morarji Desai Yoga Institute organized a workshop on MSD.
  • Dr. Samagandi discussed yoga and Ayurvedic techniques.
  • Madhu Khurana led the practical session.

Yogic management for musculoskeletal disorders: The Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (Mo.D. R.S.) organized a informative workshop on yoga management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) on 15 February 2024. The purpose of this workshop was to make people aware of their effective management through muscle and bone pain and ancient and scientific exercises of yoga.

At the beginning of the program, Dr. I.N. Acharya highlighted the structure and functioning of the musculoskeletal system and various disorders related to it.

In the second session held online through online, Dr. Kashinath Samagandi, Director, Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, discussed compounds and Ayurvedic techniques to deal with musculoskeletal disorders. He emphasized the importance of healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, giving the example of the shloka ‘Yukhahar Vaiharasya Yuktheshya Karmasu’ of Bhagavad Gita, which maintains the strength of the muscles.

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Dr. Samagandi said that diseases like low blood circulation, increase in toxins in the body and diseases like diabetes or hernia can cause musculoskeletal disorders. He explained how asana, pranayama and proper sleep, removal of toxins, strengthening muscles and helping to release painkillers endorphins.

Dr. Samagandi advised a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, berries, dry fruits etc. He also explained the method of preparing medicinal water from ginger powder, turmeric, cumin etc. which is helpful in relieving pain.

Highlighting the importance of yoga, Dr. Samagandi said, ‘Modira in Yosam, we use the power of yoga for complete health and welfare. In today’s lifestyle, musculoskeletal disorders have become a growing challenge. Through this workshop, our aim is to motivate people to include yoga in their lives for pain management and better mobility. ‘

The workshop was concluded with a practical session led by Yoga Physician, Madhu Khurana, in which the focus on stress management through yoga therapy, strengthening muscles, strengthening muscles and breathable. Yoga instructor Sundar Raju made a lively performance to convince the techniques.

Practicing asanas like Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Ardha Ustrasana, Marjari Asana, Setu Bandhasana, Pawan Muktasana, Mercatasana, Kati Chakrasana, Vakrasana helps to improve the health of muscles and bones. Yoga therapy plays an important role in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, taking care of health both physically and mentally.

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As a leading institution in the field of yoga education and medicine, Modira is constantly making efforts to integrate Yosam Yoga-based subjects in mainstream healthcare. The institute regularly organizes special training programs, workshops etc.

By incorporating simple yoga exercises in daily life, individuals can reduce dependence on medicine and improve their entire health.


Muscles from yoga, relief in bone pain, M.D.R.S. Workshop in


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