Extensive preparations are currently underway in Uttar Pradesh as Prayagraj prepares to host the Maha Kumbh festival held once every 12 years. An estimated 40 to 45 crore tourists will visit the city later this month as the age-old festival begins on January 13.
Saints from several major Akharas have already reached the camp site on Friday with scenes depicting a festive atmosphere. The growing list includes the Niranjani Akhara, Ahvan Akhara and Juna Akhara – the largest groups in the Sanyasi tradition.
Sadhus of Mahanirvani Akhara were seen entering the Mahakumbh camp wearing saffron clothes and covered in ashes. They were accompanied by playing Damru (a small two-headed drum) and chanting the name of Mahadev. Some saints were seen riding on horses.
Meanwhile, the saints of Atal Akhara also reached the Mahakumbh camp in a grand procession, who were warmly welcomed by the police officers with flower garlands. Covered in ashes, wearing garlands, riding on horses and playing drums, they entered the camp area. Some sadhus were also seen walking with the flag of the Akhara.
Extensive preparations for disaster management have also been ensured in case any emergency situation arises during the event. Visuals shared online showed the police administration and various disaster management services carrying out several drills in preparation for the grand event.
A drill was conducted at the Mela Police Lines on Friday to practice multiple scenarios including dealing with biological, chemical, nuclear and radiological disasters.
Ahead of the event, work is also underway to launch North Central Railway’s first gaming zone near Platform 6 at Prayagraj Junction. This gaming zone will be equipped with a high-end gaming VR cricket box, a motion theatre, PC games, arcade games, a jungle safari, air hockey and VR games.
Passengers can enjoy a variety of games ranging from classic to modern arcade games. This zone has been created to provide a unique entertainment experience to the passengers.
(with inputs from agencies)