‘Love Scout did not disappoint’: Han Jee, Lee June Huk’s Romance Finale Score The highest rating; Fan


Love scoutSince the premiere of 3 January, success is only reaching new heights. Han Ji Min and Lee June Huk’s hearty and mature workplace romance on Friday night, SBS TV drama began with a rating of the lowest average nationwide audience of 5.2%.

Starring Love Scout, Han G Min, Lee June Huk, Kim Yun Hay and Kim Do Hoon, collected its highest rating of the season on 14 February 2025. (Instagram)

Since then, sharing the audience for the weekend episode has only gone up. Finally, on Valentine’s Day, the show finished the 12-episode running 12-episode with the highest rating from the poem: 12%.

The concluding of the dear romance drama was also sitting at the top of the list of the most seen minisariies, which was leading in all the channels in its time slot. In addition to charting above the weekly rating, Love scout February Drama Brand top in reputation ranking.

According to data from the Korean Business Research Institute, SBS Drama received a reputation index of 16,384,706 for the “Honey-Siti Chemistry” of June Huk and G Min. On the other hand, Lee secured a second rank among 50 actors on the drama actor brand reputation rankings, a cumulative score of 9,209,977. Meanwhile, Han’s brand was analyzed at 5,360,590, as she came in the fourth.

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Love scout ends without any complications or toxic trauma

Coming into the full cycle, the series made the toxic subplots clear, often finding their way into the romantic ke-drama story in the past. Although Han Ji Min and Lee June Huk (Lee June Huk) Onscreen Chemistry immediately made its way into the hearts of the audience, Kim Do Hoon and Kim Un Hi’s Happy Ending also made their attraction as a warm neck for the audience. Work done.

Before Love scout Fever, Yo Yon Sec and Cha Su Bin K K. MBC TV Melodrama When the phone rings A Buzzworth K-Drama was shot at the top as a premiere. However, the series soon thwarts its audience, as the closing was reduced by the expectations of the audience, plugging inappropriate and wrong and wrong political turns.

fortunately, Love scout The uniform was not suffering from fate and was passed with flying colors. Netizens received the degree of concluding the series for his correct landing and hearty conclusions.

Kim do Hoon and Kim Yun Hai with love for love scout spinoff as leads

Some fans are already demanding “second leads” Kim do Hoon and Kim Yun, who, who is the main lead to return to another drama, possibly also for a love scout spinoff. With careful care of the arc of each character, the series has “best and best written ke-drama ever made” without any complex love triangle ” The location is secured.

Fans are nothing, but the series is appreciated for offering great joy and comfort. Here is described how the audience reacted to the SBS drama with a realistic heat.

Love Scout Review: Final Episode (X / Twitter)

  • “Seeing growing as a person is probably my favorite chap in the show! I am proud that I can sleep. He finally learned that being a leader should not be so alone! And there is no need to say that #hanjimin prepared this character for perfection!

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  • “Eunho opening scene from EP1 was going on differently between crowded people, and he closes it with walking towards his loll Omg, it is very beautifully written.”
  • “There is no breakup after a former wife return, almost no annoying donkey subplots oh love scout after trauma …..”
  • “The biggest win is that the author did not bring back the east of the Lord, his breakup lasted less than half of EP, Biol did not challenge the idea of ​​Jiun’s idea and both leads are mature and sensible.”
  • Another user wrote, “When the phone takes a jib in a stroke in the finale,” when the end of another drama is disappointed, the love scout ‘Stop massacre “honor. ,
  • “Love Scout did not disappoint us till the very end. Without a doubt, it is one of the best and best written KDramas ever! I think no character was left behind, everyone had their own moment to shine in this episode. Thank you very much, love scout! ,
  • And with it, one of the best written romance drama comes to the end. He gave a package story of Kama-Romans with successful working characters. Not only the main lead, but every person around them is gemstone ❤ “”
  • Jeongun and Suhyeon’s petition for the spin-off series- a writer and a chabol. “

Love scout finale review by fans on mydramalist

  • “Best Office Romance 2025 1rt to ensure half !!!!!!!!!!!
  • “The real romance is back.”
  • “Cruel, tireless Seoul Business Life’s soothing sweetness of a healing love story.”
  • “Romance I didn’t know I was looking for, but Cupid’s arrow hit the mark! Love was scout finally!”
  • “Love Scout: A show where adults act like adults.”
  • “It was so good that it makes me sick .. So well written and produced carefully. Everything about this drama was so amazing; artists and their chemistry, plot, side character oh my God. Thought to end, everything would run away from madness, but he would do a wonderful job in wrapping everyone’s story. You would like to see again together, everyone was very cute together.


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