Actress Kangana Ranaut held a special screening of her upcoming film Emergency in Nagpur. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari and Kangana’s ‘Emergency’ co-star Anupam Kher also attended it on Saturday. (Also Read | Kangana Ranaut says she wouldn’t have imposed emergency if Anupam Kher had refused to do it: ‘He has honesty on his face’)
Kangana held the first screening of emergency
News agency PTI shared a video on X (formerly Twitter), in which Kangana talked about the film. “Today, we are actually having the first screening of the film. Before this, no one had seen the film. The censor board was extremely strict, and they did a thorough investigation. We had to provide a lot of evidence and documents. Within six months After much struggle, the film is finally ready,” Kangana said.
What did Nitin Gadkari say about the film?
Nitin Gadkari said, “I am watching the film for the first time, and I have seen Emergency in the country. The true history of Emergency that Kangana ji has presented before the public today is correct. I have full confidence that this film will also get the support of the public.
Kangana, Nitin Gadkari shared posts
Earlier, Kangana shared some pictures from the screening on Instagram. In one photo, Nitin Gadkari, Kangana and Anupam are talking to each other. Kangana captioned the post, “#Emergency releasing on 17th January with @Gadkari.Nitin ji.”
The minister spoke to X and praised the team of Emergency for “presenting the dark chapter of our country’s history with such authenticity and excellence”. “Attend the special screening of the film Emergency, featuring @KanganaTeam ji and Shri @AnupamPKher ji, today in Nagpur. I would like to thank the filmmakers and actors for presenting the dark chapter of our country’s history with such authenticity and excellence.” I urge everyone to watch this film, which portrays an important period in India’s history,” he posted.
about emergency
This film will be released in theaters on January 17. It also stars Shreyas Talpade and late Satish Kaushik. The Kangana-directed film is about the Emergency imposed by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for 21 months from 1975 to 1977 and its aftermath. Kangana will be seen in the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film.
Fans will love Anupam as late politician Jaiprakash Narayan, Shreyas Talpade as young Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Mahima Chaudhary as Pupul Jayakar and late Satish Kaushik as Jagjivan Ram. I will see.