Based on the popular manga series by Naoya Matsumoto, Kaiju No. 8 has set social media abuzz with excitement. Episode 6 ended with a gripping cliffhanger, leaving fans worried about the fate of Reno and Iharu as they face the titular humanoid figure. With the next episode arriving later this week, here’s what you need to know:
Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7 Release Date and Time
The next episode is scheduled to release on Saturday, May 25 at 11 PM JST. However, most international audiences will watch the release during the day on the same day. You can check the exact schedule as per your time zone below.
Time Zone | Time | date | Day |
PDT | 7 am | 25 may | Saturday |
CDT | at 9 am | 25 may | Saturday |
E.D.T. | at 10 am | 25 may | Saturday |
gmt | at 2 pm | 25 may | Saturday |
ACST | 11:30 PM | 25 may | Saturday |
Where to watch Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7?
Given its hype, the already popular anime series based on the shonen manga is available for streaming on various platforms- Prime Video, Disney Plus, Netflix, and Crunchyroll. However, it is dependent on regional availability. Kaiju No. 8 Episode 5 will first start airing in Japan on local TV networks. For international viewers, the best platform to stream the episodes online is Crunchyroll. The latest episode will be added to the website after a slight delay.
What to expect from Kaiju No. 8 Episode 7?
In the previous episode, fans saw Reno and Iharu become seriously frightened when they encountered the Kaiju. Their fate is likely to be revealed in episode 7, with an exciting twist coming at the end of the episode. Since the series is in its early stages, there is no solid story yet as to who or what threat will set up the battle. However, there is speculation that someone in the defense force may be suspicious of Kafka.