JEE Mains 2025 Results: NTA to release Session 1 scorecard on February 12 NTA | How to check the result on Mint


The National Testing Agency (NTA) is most likely that the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) main session 1 result will be announced on February 12, 2025. The NTA shared this information in the information bulletin of the examination. After the result is declared, applicants can download their scorecards on the official website. The official website to download the result is

On 6 February, NTA JEE Main Session 1 Torn Answer Key Objection Window closed. The agency also released record reactions and questions from the candidates besides the provisional answer key.

To submit an objection, a candidate had to pay a non-worthy qualified fee 200 per question. After submitting the objection, the experts will review it, and if they are found valid, the final answer key will be modified.

The JEE Mains Session 1 result will be prepared using the final answer key.

The exam for JEE Main Session 1 Paper 1 Ex and BTECH courses was held on January 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29. Paper 1 exam was conducted in two shifts, 9 am to 3 pm to 3 pm to 6 pm in multi. -Shifts, NTA scores will be calculated to suit the raw (actual) marks obtained by a candidate.

The final NTA score will include scores for each of the three subjects including mathematics, Physics And the total in chemistry and paper 1 exam.

Jee Main’s paper 2 was held in the second innings from 3 pm to 6:30 pm on January 30 for Burch and BPlanning courses.

If a question is dropped, the NTA has assured that all the candidates will be given full marks for that question.


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