It is not fruit, its leaves are contained in the world, stomach, heart, liver, nectar for everyone, gives mids touch on the skin


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Guava Leaves Health Benefits: There are some fruits that have more properties in leaves. Guava leaves have similar qualities.

Benefits of this leaf.

Guava leaves health benefits: There is hardly anyone who has not eaten guava. Guava is a fruit that is very beneficial for cleaning the stomach, but its leaves are also wonderful. Chewing guava leaves removes many problems. Guava leaf contains antibacterial compound which removes problems from stomach to mouth. If you chew guava leaf, then the absorption of nutrients will be faster. Problems of gas, acidity, constipation etc. will also get rid of. Guava leaves also help in reducing blood sugar. It also strengthens the heart. Let us know about its special benefits.

Benefits of guava leaves

1. Ramban for digestion-The Economic Times report states that chewing guava leaves strengthens the digestive system. If there is a problem of flatulence, then it can be cured with guava leaves. Guava leaves eliminate the problem of diarrhea, constipation, gas, indigestion etc. This relieves the lining of the intestine, which makes the gut health better.

2. Blood Sugar Control-Chewing guava leaf keeps blood sugar control. This increases insulin sensitivity. The compound that is in guava leaf reduces glucose absobson, which reduces sugar in the blood.

3. Best for Mouth-Chewing guava leaves kills harmful bacteria of the mouth, which does not smell the mouth. On the other hand, if there is a problem of swelling in teeth or gums, then it eliminates guava leaf because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Guava leaf gives great relief in toothache. This strengthens the gums and improves oral hygiene.

4. Glow glow on the skin-Amrud leaf is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This means that it does not allow any type of free radicals in the skin, which causes wrinkles and other problems in the skin. Therefore, if you chew guava leaf, then it will not cause nails in the skin. The dark spots that are on the face will disappear and the skin will shine. It will increase skin oil in a natural way, which causes softness in the skin.

5. Makes Heart strong-Chewing amud leaf also strengthens the heart. This reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and increases good cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease. It also contains nitrate compound which accelerates blood circulation. That is, it strengthens the heart in every way. Guava contains vitamin C and Flaveenoids. This also boosts immunity.

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Not fruit, its leaves are contained in the world, stomach, heart nectar for everyone


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