Most relationships start with love and end with conflict. Conflicts occur only when couples bring ego among themselves. The biggest reason for breaking of relationship is lack of respect and lack of communication. Every couple should express gratitude to each other because there are crores of people in the world but they have chosen you as their partner. But couples forget this. Every relationship can be strengthened by ‘Thank you’ and ‘Sorry’ and can last a lifetime. There is so much power in these words that couples can never get bored of each other.
Saying thanks increases love
Harvard Health Did a research in 2021. Psychiatrists found that people who say thank you to their partner and thank them for everything they do Express gratitude, their relationship is very positive. Such couples are very happy with each other. In fact, when a person thanks his partner, a love hormone called oxytoxin is released in the body. Due to this hormone, a good bond is formed between the two people and such couples never get bored of each other.
Trust increases in relationships
The foundation of every relationship starts with trust. Words work like magic to strengthen this foundation. In a relationship, it is important to bow down and say sorry and if your partner does something good, it is also important to thank him. Even though these words are very common to hear, it is important to speak them from the heart in a relationship. When trust develops between couples in a relationship, their relationship can last a lifetime.
Couples value each other by saying ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ (Image-Canva)
Relationship improves with thank you and sorry
Relationship expert Dr. Geetanjali Sharma says that no relationship is perfect. There are fights and misunderstandings between every couple because both the people have some shortcomings. Shortcomings cannot be rectified quickly nor can a relationship be broken on small issues, hence it becomes more important to say sorry and thank you. These words mend the relationship and improve it. By saying sorry, a person does not repeat his mistake and after listening to thanks, he tries to become a better partner.
More powerful than saying ‘I love you’
Most of the people think that the relationship gets strengthened by saying ‘I love you’ but love is not expressed by these words. If you love someone you can do anything for him. Many times one can say sorry even after not committing any mistake and can also say thank you without any reason. Instead of saying I love you, if a person tells his partner, thank you for loving me and trusting me, then this sentence will have more impact than I love you. Thanking your partner, praising him for good work and saying sorry when he makes a mistake makes the relationship powerful.
stress goes away
Most of the people become victims of depression due to lack of good relations with their husband or wife. But no one thinks about why relationships turn sour. Every relationship can become sweet only with dedication, support, trust, respect and submission. But in today’s time most of the couples do not want to bow down. To be respected, one has to be respected. In such a situation, if words like sorry and thank you are spoken then the relationship can improve but if only one partner always does this, that is also not right. Both people should include these words in their relationship. If there is sweetness in the relationship, then the person does not feel stressed or depressed because he has a good partner to share his emotions with and understand him.
Couples start respecting each other (Image-Canva)
There is no communication gap
Words like sorry and thank you remove every rift between couples. There is no bitterness in the mind due to these words and good understanding starts forming between them. Often couples stop speaking to each other after a fight and this mistake becomes the cause of communication gap between them. One should never stop talking to the person one loves. Keep ‘I’ away in a relationship and always think about ‘we’.
intimacy is good
In a relationship, when a couple apologizes to each other or says thank you, both the words show how much the partner cares for you. This care is their love and it is also a healthy investment in the relationship. Couples who care about each other are close to each other not only emotionally but also physically. That means sorry and thanks also increase intimacy between couples.
If you can’t say it then try other methods
Some people are not able to express their feelings openly, due to which there is a communication gap between couples. If you cannot say sorry or thank you to your partner, then express your emotions by writing to them and tell them your feelings. Send them gifts and greeting cards, write messages on mobile, put notes on the fridge or wall, express your feelings to your partner through children, cook your partner’s favorite food and garnish it with a sorry or thank you note. Even small acts can convey thanks and sorry to your partner.
Tag: physical relationship, relationship, Rishton Ki Party, young couple
first published : January 6, 2025, 5:36 pm IST