Asteroid 2024 YR4, “City Killer” dubbed, astronomers make headlines after guessing that on December 22, 2032, there is a possibility of striking on Earth during their close approach. , It is closely monitored by its projection.
Asteroid 2024 yr4 size
This astronomical object was discovered in December last year, scientist American said. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of experts as the possibility of asteroids colliding with our planet is above the threshold level of one percent. NBC reported that at the discovery of Space Rock 2024 YRR4, NASA said, “Any other known big asteroids are likely to be likely to be above 1%,” NBC said.
The incoming space can attack the moon with a minimum probability of rock, asteroid is estimated to be 130 to 300 feet wide. Thus, asteroid 2024 YRR4 is about the size of a large office building.
According to the simulation experiment of scientific American, the expected effect of the earth-level collision spreads the region between the Eastern Pacific Ocean and South Asia. The area of influence includes densely populated cities of the world, including Bogota, Columbia, Lagos, Nigeria and Mumbai.
According to simulation experiments, if the asteroid manages to separate the sky of the earth or punchs a pit in the surface in the collision, the effect will be similar to the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. This collision would be strong enough to result in localized destruction, will eat any metropolis that falls on the way.
According to experts, how much is the earth-level collision?
However, scientists have dismissed the possibility of such incidents, such as the possibility of a collision of earth-affair decreases every day and may soon come on ‘zero’. The New York Post quoted the chief scientist for the non -profit planetary society Bruce Bates, “For some time, the possibility will be zero in the next months.”