Saurabh Verma/Rae Bareli: If salad is mixed with food then the taste of the food also changes. Eating salad is very beneficial for our health. Salad contains plenty of fiber due to which the digestive system remains good. Also, due to fiber the problem of constipation goes away. If a person’s stomach is clean, then many diseases do not occur. Consuming salad keeps many problems like constipation, acidity and gas away. Salad fills the stomach and it lasts for a long time, hence its consumption does not increase weight.
We should try to include such food items in our salad, from which we can get many health benefits. Beetroot can prove to be very helpful in this. Beetroot can help you in preventing not just one but many diseases. Therefore, including beetroot in your diet can be very beneficial for you.
Effective for heart related diseases
According to Ayurvedic doctor Akanksha Dixit, many such nutrients including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates are found in beetroot, which along with strengthening the immunity system of our body, also plays an important role in controlling the side effects occurring in the blood arteries. The nitrate present in beetroot reduces blood pressure and the butane present in it prevents blood from clotting. For this reason, beetroot proves effective for heart related diseases. By consuming it, the amount of hemoglobin in our body also remains equal.
Beetroot improves memory
According to Ayurvedic doctor Akanksha Dixit, sufficient amount of fiber is found in beetroot, which is helpful in removing digestive problems. If you have problem of constipation or gas, you can drink beetroot juice regularly. It helps in digesting food. Also, choline present in beetroot is considered helpful in enhancing your memory.
use it like this
Dr. Akanksha Dixit, Ayurvedic physician of Shivgarh CHC, Rae Bareli, says that consuming beetroot daily is very beneficial for our health. Eating it raw as well as consuming its juice not only keeps the digestive system of our body strong. Apart from this, the immunity system of our body becomes stronger. Vitamin B9 is found in abundance in it which helps in growth and functioning of cells.
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicine and health benefit recipe advice given in this news is based on the discussion with our experts. This is general information and not personal advice. The needs of every person are different, so use anything only after consulting doctors. Please note, Local-18 team will not be responsible for any damages caused by any usage.
Tag: health news, life18, local18, rae bareli news, Uttar Pradesh News Hindi
first published : January 19, 2024, 6:41 pm IST