Is it necessary to mix horoscope before marriage? Premanand Ji Maharaj said this thing with a laugh, a little bit of getting the horoscope ….


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Kundali and horoscope make all people to be made after someone is born in Hinduism, but is it necessary to make it? Should a horoscope be mixed before marriage? On this tradition, Premanand Ji Maharaj said that good thought and …Read more

According to Premanand Ji Maharaj, if you want to do the horoscope, then it is necessary.


  • According to Premanand Ji Maharaj, if you want to do the horoscope, then it is necessary.
  • The married life is successful with good thought and wisely.
  • Now even in love marriage, less people see horoscope.

When a child is born, the parents first make his horoscope, horoscope so that the child’s future will be when growing, how his married life will be spent, how much will progress in the field and business etc., we can know all this. People make a horoscope to know which planet defects, which crisis can come on it. Especially, when someone is married, people mix the horoscope of boys and girls. Often, before getting married in Hinduism, the horoscope, horoscope etc. of the bride and groom is added. It is believed that this shows how many qualities are available among the boy. Will their marriage be happy? Somewhere there will be bitterness, tribulation, fighting in a married life. It is also seen whether the boy or wood is not Manglik.

Especially, when parents decide the marriage of their children with their choice, then the horoscope is definitely mixed there. But, in today’s era, people who do not believe in these ideas or those who do love marriage do not believe in showing horoscope, horoscope. In such a situation, the question arises in the minds of many people whether it is necessary to make horoscope/horoscope? The same question was asked by a woman in the meeting of Premanand Ji Maharaj. Know what Premanand ji responded to the woman. How much and why it is necessary to make horoscope/ horoscope.

Is it necessary to make horoscope/horoscope?

In a meeting of Premanand Ji Maharaj, when a woman asked him whether it is very important to make horoscope and horoscope? Premanand Ji Maharaj gives the answer to this question. They say that if you want to marry, then it is necessary. If you want to make Baba ji, then there is no such thing. He further speaks that nowadays the time has come who sees the horoscope. How many qualities are found today, where is all this going on. Now there is also love marriage (love marriage), where is all this seen in it.

Then a person speaks in the meeting that now those whose horoscope is found more, they are also fighting among themselves. On this, Premanand Ji Maharaj says that look, the battles will stop when there will be good thoughts. The horoscope will be a little bit of good thought. If you will be good, then you will move towards Mars thoughts. If your wife is speaking bitter, then you become a little humble. Only then will the life of both spouse be happy. Okay, if you are getting angry, then you get a little calm. Then when the wife is down, you should keep your point. If the wife is dissatisfied for some reason, then the husband should be satisfied. It is very important that you understand the problem. Fighting, beating and beating is this demonic behavior, which is not right at all.

I say that if your character is pure then we should bear everything. Whether it is a husband or a wife. The shortcomings of each other should be tolerated. If someone is characterless, then the relationship will not be able to run under any circumstances. If any other shortcomings are in someone, then it will work, but should not be characterless.

To banish some ones dreams thoughts, etc.

Is it necessary to mix horoscope before marriage? Premanand Maharaj said this big thing


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