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Health Tips: Ayurvedic doctor Rakesh Sharma said that consuming turmeric in winter strengthens the body’s immunity. Its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties prevent us from problems like cold, cough and more
Turmeric is very beneficial in winter
- Drinking turmeric milk in winter increases immunity.
- Anti-bacterial properties of turmeric protect from cold and cough.
- Turmeric milk nourishes and brightens the skin.
Ajmer…Turmeric, which is used as a spice in the kitchen, is considered a very special spice. It not only enhances the taste of food but is also very beneficial for health.
It is used as a medicine in Ayurveda. It not only makes the body strong from inside, but also gives strength to fight many diseases. Consuming it in winter is considered very beneficial because along with keeping the body warm, it also increases the immunity of the body.
Turmeric increases immunity
Ayurvedic doctor Rakesh Sharma said that consuming turmeric in winter strengthens the body’s immunity. Its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties help protect us from problems like cold, cough and flu. Taking turmeric with milk makes the body strong.
Relief from problems like joint pain
The doctor further said that although most of the people drink milk mixed with Horlicks or Bournvita, but if you drink milk mixed with turmeric in winter, it helps in keeping the body warm from inside and provides relief from problems like joint pain. For this, before sleeping at night, add half teaspoon turmeric in a cup of milk, boil it and then drink it. It also increases immunity and helps in reducing weight.
It is also beneficial for the skin-
In winter the skin becomes dry and lifeless. Turmeric milk nourishes the skin from within and maintains its glow. The antioxidant properties of turmeric reduce the effects of age on the skin.
Use milk and turmeric in this way-
To make turmeric milk, take the milk in a vessel and add one spoon turmeric powder or a piece of turmeric in it. Boil this milk and then filter it and take it out in a glass. Avoid drinking excessively hot milk.
January 27, 2025, 22:25
Drink this thing mixed with milk in winter…cough and cold will be cured.