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Habits for Happy Long Term Relationship: If the life partner is found right then life passes happily. But if the partner does not understand you, then it seems to be a burden to maintain the relationship. Every couple should change some of their habits …Read more
Couples should respect each other for long term relationship (image-canva)
Couples who live in long -term relationship are more understanding between love and attraction. They respect each other. But today’s relationship goes on only a few months and ends with a breakup or divorce. It is not easy to maintain a relationship. It is not necessary that a person gets a partner of his nature. It is very important to fulfill the relationship for a lifetime and change some of your habits.
It is necessary to bend in a relationship
Relationship expert Geetanjali Sharma She says that nowadays, Igo comes among more couples, due to which the relationship between them starts getting weaker. It is very important to bend in a relationship and to obey your mistake. But some people feel that if they bow before the partner, they will be considered weak even though it is not so. Bending in the relationship increases respect in the partner’s heart and when they make their fault, they are also ready to bow down. It is also very important to apologize if there is a mistake in the relationship.
Stay flexible
Never impose your words on your partner. Always be flexible. For example, if the partner has to watch the movie and you have to watch a cricket match, then do not force them to show the match. Give a movie with them and then match. Or watch the match on another TV or mobile. Actually, when a person always imposes his words on his partner, then the person in front feels that he has no value. Do not let them feel like this. Leave the partner open. Let them do what they want to do. If there is freedom in the relationship and the partner gets time for himself, then he is more happy and keeps his partner happy.
Hug before going to office
It is very important to have physical touch in every relationship. It retains love among the couple. Partner’s small love gesture keeps the mood good. Wake up in the morning and kiss the partner, get their hands distributed in household chores. Before going to office and hug the partner. When there is a physical touch between the couples, their intemacy remains. They are emotionally connected to each other and stress is also removed.

Couples should share their future planning with each other (image-canva)
Remove trouble together
Often people make a mistake that when they are upset, they hide the matter from the partner and fight with them in irritability. Do not forget this. If you are upset, then share your heart with your partner. Share the problem with them. By doing this, many problems are solved. Also, the partner also feels that he is very important for you.
Spend time with each other
Couples who are in long term relationship, their specialty is that they spend time with each other. Spending time together does not give a communication gap between them which makes their relationship strong. Every couple should have breakfast or dinner gathered daily. They can also do morning walk or workouts simultaneously. Go to outing 2 to 3 times a month.
13 February, 2025, 15:22 IST
Does the partner continue to fight, Igo also comes in the middle, change these habits