In 2010, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (EVA) published the genome of Homo Niendarthensis, which is known as Nieandarthal Man in less progressive days. In this, DNA stretchs were also found in Homo Sepians genome-especially, non-African people. It suggested the gap of the past between the two, but only outside Africa. it is not surprising. Homo Sepians began in Africa but Neanderthal was Eurasian. Any misunderstanding must have occurred after leaving his motherland to Sapians to win the world. But the details were not clear.
Now, two papers have provided more accurate details by researchers in Eva and other places when two species of humans have been mixed. They conclude that Sapiens-Neanderthalensis crossing occurred several times, but the results of only one hybridization, Niendarthal are important today, 40,000 years before the extinction. This is more recently than before.
A paper, in science, sees 334 sepians genome, between the present 275 and the rest between 2,200 and 45,000 years. All Neanderthal DNAs get 43,500 and 50,500 years ago in a sepians genome over an extended period for some time. Four also have signs of other such intimate people. The second paper, in nature, sees only seven genomes, each is about 45,000 years old.
Analysis raises questions. Other work shows that Homo Sepians arrived at some places, which reached some places before the indication, yet the respective Niendarthal DNA outside Africa is omnipresent. In addition, although the bands of sepians who left Africa through Sinai must have moved to Neandarthal, as it was the southern border of the species that was crossing through the straw between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden – Bean to be one by some people. The important passage will not be done – not. The creation of a human migration pattern that takes into account all this, yet the Niendarthal seen today attains the distribution of DNA, is difficult. But this must have happened somehow.