Grass absorbs water quickly and its holes are also very fine.The water flow in it is good, hence it cools down quickly. Honeycomb is made of cellulose and has the ability to absorb more water.
New Delhi. The heat is at its peak and Nautapa is also starting from tomorrow. Nautapa means the next 9 days will be the hottest and the day’s temperature will remain above 45 most of the time. In such a situation, the challenges of those who use coolers and fans are going to increase. As soon as the summer arrives, many people start changing the grass of their coolers, so that more cooling and air can be obtained. In such a situation, there is always a confusion in the minds of people whether honeycomb pad should be used in the cooler or simple grass would be better. Which grass will provide more cooling and get rid of the heat. If you also have any confusion about this, then today we will clear it.
First of all let’s talk about why grass or honeycomb is needed. Actually, when we run the cooler, the water filled in it falls through the pipe on the grass or honeycomb on three sides of the cooler, due to which it becomes wet. Now when the fan of the cooler pulls the outside air, then this hot air gets collected inside the cooler through that grass or honeycomb and then through the fan it is thrown outside i.e. into your room. In this process, the hot air from outside gets cooled by passing through the grass or honeycomb on the walls of the cooler and you also get cool air.
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How effective is grass?
The grass used in coolers is not ordinary grass, but it is made of thin peels of wood. The pads made from these are very dense and soft. This grass absorbs water quickly and its holes are also very fine, due to which the air coming from outside cannot go back. If the water flows well in it, then cooling also happens quickly.
Honeycomb is so powerful
As its name suggests, it looks like a beehive. This material made of cellulose has the ability to absorb water for a long time, which means that even if you turn off the water supply of the cooler, it will continue to cool the air. It cools the air coming from outside quickly and a large amount of air also passes through it.
which is a better option
Talking to the users, it is known that honeycomb is more effective if the heat is less. But, to avoid extreme heat, you should use wooden grass. Since the holes of honeycomb are large, hot air also passes through it, whereas the holes of grass are fine, so only cold air can reach inside the cooler. Its cooling also spreads fast and the room becomes cool.
who is more expensive
Talking about the cost of both, you can easily get wooden grass for 100 to 150 rupees. On the other hand, you may have to spend 700 to 1,400 rupees for honeycomb. However, the grass gets filled with dust quickly and it also rots quickly on coming in contact with water, so it has to be replaced every year. On the other hand, honeycomb lasts for 2 to 3 years easily after being installed once.
Tags: eco friendly cooler, heat wave, Tech News No, water cooler
first published : May 23, 2024, 5:30 PM IST