He made his wife pregnant, now he will divorce her as soon as the child is born, the marriage took place 10 years ago, the reason is shocking!


Here the bond of marriage is considered unbreakable. Once someone gets tied into this bond, their relationship lasts for life. But many people do not hesitate to break this relationship. Today we are going to tell you about one such person, who has openly talked about divorcing his pregnant wife on social media. This man says that he will leave his wife as soon as the child is born. The person has shared these things on Reddit with an account named @Glass-Benefit-1662.

This person has written that my wife and I have been together for the last 10 years and have been married for the last 4 years. I am the father of a child and my wife is pregnant again. But as the days are passing, it is becoming more and more clear that I no longer want to spend the rest of my life with her. There is an unbearable resentment in my mind towards him, which is increasing. I realize that divorce is never easy, but I am forced to take this step.

The person has also given the reason for divorce. He has written that my wife does not clean the house, due to which the whole house remains untidy. Even when there were no children, the circumstances at home were similar. She also told that she spends a lot of money, whereas we do not have money for unaccounted expenses. But all this became worse when she became pregnant again. She often displays nasty and entitled behavior. I am just waiting for the baby to be born so that I can file divorce papers immediately. The person has written that till now we have not discussed anything about divorce.

However, the person has written that no matter what people think of our relationship, she is still the mother of my children. In such a situation, I want that as parents we remain mentally and emotionally stable. But it all depends on the next 6 to 12 months how things progress between us. People made a lot of comments on this post. A person has written that you lived with him for ten years and his behavior always troubled you? You had two children with him, even knowing that you are angry at him for who he is? Children will have to suffer the consequences of your foolishness.

Commenting on the post, another user has written that if your relationship is useless before having children, then do not have children. If your relationship is bad or facing problems then do not get married. So the third person wrote in his comment that I think this is really a smart move. Putting excessive stress on a pregnant woman is a threat to the health of both her and the baby in the womb. So the fourth person has written how bad the situation is… Was it always like this? If so, why did you decide to have kids with him? I think I should talk to him. It would be a big step to present the divorce papers without any rumor right after giving birth to the child.

Tags: Ajab Bhi Ghazab Bhi, Divorce, The news is coming, Oh God, shocking news, strange news


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