Has your face become ugly due to acne scars? This magical oil will make it disappear, just use it like this


neem oil: As soon as summer comes, pimples start appearing on everyone’s face, whether it is girls or boys. In this season, more dust accumulates on the face. Due to which the problems of pimples do not stop. Due to not taking care of the skin during the summer season, pimples leave marks on the face. Here we are telling you some tips with the help of which you can reduce the marks of pimples on the skin.

use neem oil
Neem oil has many medicinal properties. It contains fatty acids, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. Along with this, it also contains Vitamin E in abundance. Due to these benefits, people have been using neem oil for centuries. Along with removing pimples from the skin, you can also get rid of the problems of dry skin, wrinkles, skin rashes, itching and allergies. It also increases the production of collagen in your skin which is essential to keep the skin healthy and glowing. You can use neem oil to cure many skin problems.

How to use neem oil
Before applying oil, clean the face thoroughly. After this, take 2 to 3 spoons of neem oil in a bowl and apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Now apply it well and leave it on the face overnight. After waking up in the morning, wash your face with warm water, this will remove pimples in no time. If neem oil is too thick then you can add aloe vera gel in it.

This fruit is a vaccine for diseases, include it in your diet for weight loss, it will also eliminate sugar risk.

Has your face become ugly due to acne scars?  This magical oil will make it disappear, just use it like this

Mix Vitamin E capsules and apply
Apart from this, you can also massage your face with neem oil. This increases blood circulation in your skin. Will increase and your face will glow from within. If you want, you can also apply neem oil by mixing it with Vitamin E capsule. For this, mix half a teaspoon of neem oil in a Vitamin E capsule and apply it on the face. Apply this on the face half an hour before bathing. After this, do not apply any kind of face wash or soap on your face.

Tag: beauty tips, lifestyle


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