Frustrated with low income? Study Says This Habit May Be the Invisible Culprit


Just as income depends on skill set, experience and educational background, it also depends on health and smoking is one of the most dangerous habits, which deteriorates health rapidly. It is already widely known how it causes health risks such as cancer, respiratory problems and heart disease.

Low income due to a major habit that poses significant health risks. (Shutterstock)

A study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research highlights an even more shocking economic consequence of low income. In addition to the well-known health risks, smoking also has a hidden economic cost in reduced earnings, according to this new research.

Also read: New study shows that each cigarette reduces life by 20 minutes; women are at greater risk

smoking and low income

The earnings of people who smoke, especially those with less education, were examined. Researchers analyzed data on cardiovascular risk in the Young Finns study and evaluated 3,596 participants from both rural and urban areas in Finland.

The findings show a clear link between smoking and decline in income. The study measured smoking using pack-years. It is calculated by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes a person smokes per day by the number of years the person has smoked. The study simplified it with an example. Someone with a 10-pack-year history of smoking may earn about 10% less than someone who smokes less or not at all.

A one-unit increase in ‘pack-years’ would lead to a 1.8% decline in an individual’s earnings. Additionally, the study provides inspiring findings for those who want to quit smoking. If someone cuts down their smoking by five pack-years, they could see a 9% increase in their earnings.

Since smoking is a major threat to health, an increase in smoking suggests that years of work are reduced, as each increase results in a 0.5% reduction in the number of years a person can work employed and efficiently. .

still hope

Quit smoking to see your income improve.(Shutterstock)
Quit smoking to see your income improve.(Shutterstock)

It has already been established from previous findings that young workers who smoke earn much less than non-smokers, but this is especially true when they do not have the proper educational background. According to the study, this difference was not as noticeable among older workers, meaning that smoking is more influential for younger people with less education. Young age is a time full of energy and smoking can hamper the potential of youth.

However, there is still hope, as this association between low income and smoking is only prominent for current smokers. The study did not find similar problems for former smokers who quit.

The most prominent finding is that young people who smoke and have less education earn even less. It can be hypothesized that smoking reduces income, especially for youth with low educational backgrounds, as they may be in jobs that require physical work. This will be difficult, because smoking impairs the ability to work hard, especially physically, affecting productivity.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have about a medical condition.

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