New Delhi. Bollywood actress Divya Dutta had her birthday last Wednesday and the very next day something happened to her that she could not stop herself from venting out her anger on social media. Today on the morning of 26 September, Divya Dutta shared a video on Instagram in which she mentions her bad experience at the airport. The actress tells in her post that due to the inconvenience at the airport, her shooting has also been affected.
Divya Dutta has shared a video of the airport lobby in which only empty chairs and a deserted airport are visible. Not a single employee present at the airport is seen in this video. The actress told that despite the flight being cancelled, no one informed her. There was no announcement nor was there any display of flight cancellation. The actress has tagged Indigo Airlines in her post. She was about to fly on an Indigo flight.
She writes in her post, ‘Thank you so much for this terrible experience early in the morning. There was no information about the cancelled flight and I checked in on the cancelled flight. No display at the gate. There was no staff present to help at such a time. My shooting got affected due to all these problems.’
Watch the video here