Cause of Leg Cramps: There are many problems in our body which do not cause immediate pain but if they are ignored, they can lead to fatal diseases in the future. Most of us get dangerous leg muscle cramps from time to time. That is, the muscle part of the lower leg gets spasmed or stiff and the muscles move a little back and forth from their place. This part is called calf muscles. This happens only for one-and-a-half minutes but the pain is so intense that it feels like an electric shock. Anyone screams. Usually this happens late at night or around 4 to 5 in the morning. After one-and-a-half minutes the muscles go back to their place due to which the pain also goes away. But if it bothers you too much then it can also cause kidney failure in future. Therefore do not ignore it. Consult doctors immediately.
Causes of leg cramps
According to the Mayo Clinic, in most cases the cause of leg cramps is not known. This may be due to problems in muscles and nerves. The problem of leg cramps increases with age. Pregnant women face this problem more. Apart from this, some people take such medicines which cause excessive urination at night. Due to this also there may be cramps in legs at night. But sometimes leg cramps can have fatal causes. Such as kidney failure or cirrhosis. Sedentary lifestyle, too much exercise, wrong sitting posture, standing for too long, nerve problems etc. can also be the reasons for this.
Cramps in legs even in these situations
1. Acute kidney failure can also be the cause of leg cramps.
2. Addison’s disease.
3. Alcohol disorder.
4. Anemia i.e. deficiency of hemoglobin.
5. Chronic kidney disease.
6.Cirrhosis disease.
7. Dehydration
8. High blood pressure.
10. Hypothyroid.
11. Sedentary lifestyle.
12. Medicines for blood pressure, cholesterol.
13. Parkinson’s disease.
how to get rid of it
However, leg cramps resolve on their own within a minute or two. But if it is massaged or stretched then it can be got rid of quickly. Whenever you get cramps in your legs and the pain is very severe, walk for some time on heels or on the strength of soles. The leg cramps will go away as soon as you walk.
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Tag: health, health tips, lifestyle
first published : February 10, 2024, 05:30 IST