If you are someone whose day starts and ends with coffee and drinks multiple cups of your favourite hot beverage in between, you are inviting a host of health problems. Tea and coffee contain beneficial antioxidants, but excess consumption can lead to a host of health issues, from cardiovascular problems to digestive issues. As per the recently released guidelines of ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), a daily intake of 300 mg of caffeine is safe. (Also read: Is overboiling milk tea harmful for health? Know possible side effects from experts)
Moderate consumption of tea and coffee is good for health, but drinking too much can cause anxiety, headaches, digestive problems and sleep disturbances. In the long run it can also worsen diabetes and cause cardiovascular problems. According to a study, one can drink 3-4 cups of tea daily without any adverse effects.
“Caffeine, found in coffee, tea and energy drinks, is widely consumed for its stimulant effects. However, excessive consumption can lead to several adverse health effects,” says Dr Manish Mittal, Consultant Physician, Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara.
Side effects of caffeine overdose
Dr Mittal lists eight important side effects of caffeine overdose:
1. Digestive problems: Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause digestive problems like acidity and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It increases acid production in the stomach, worsening conditions like acid reflux, heartburn, and gastritis and ulcers.
2. Heart problems: Caffeine affects the cardiovascular system by increasing the heart rate, causing high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats. People who already have heart problems or high blood pressure should be careful, as caffeine can aggravate these problems and even cause chest pain.
3. Worsening of diabetes: Caffeine affects blood sugar levels, potentially hindering diabetes management. It can cause short-term spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, making diabetes control more challenging. Diabetics should closely monitor their caffeine intake.
4. Glaucoma and eye health: Caffeine can increase the pressure inside the eyes, which can worsen glaucoma. Patients suffering from this eye disease should limit caffeine intake to avoid the risk of aggravating their symptoms and causing further damage to the eyes.
5. Bladder control problems: As a diuretic, caffeine increases urine output, which can cause bladder control problems, especially in the elderly. This results in frequent and urgent urination, causing discomfort and inconvenience.
Overall, while moderate caffeine consumption can be beneficial, excessive consumption can lead to a number of health problems. It is important to be aware of your caffeine intake to avoid these negative effects and maintain overall health and well-being.