New Delhi, Social media sensation Orhaan Avatramani is famous among fans as Ori. Everyone wants to know what Ori, who is seen in every Bollywood party, does, but even the biggest stalwarts of Bollywood have not been able to answer this question till date. In a recent interview, Ori has revealed what he does and how he earns lakhs of rupees in minutes.
While participating on the podcast of Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachiyaa, Ori told what he does. He says, ‘I have no interest in doing films or shows. Who dreams of working hard? No one, I hate hard work and a lot of work has to be done in films and TV. The work of this industry never ends.
Don’t want to work in films
Ori further says, ‘You take your work home with you, your life revolves around your work. People think it’s an easy life, but it’s not. Talking about his earnings, he said that he charges fees worth lakhs for registering his presence in the party.
Charge 25 lakhs for one photo
He says, ‘Do I look cheap? I charge Rs 25 lakh for one photo. If I get myself photographed, I don’t take money. If someone asks me for touch, I take Rs 20 lakh. I have an agency that handles my work. Apart from Karan Johar’s Dharma Cornerstone Agency, I have my own people who handle my work and my life.
Ori recently also spoke to Storyboard18 where while talking about his earnings he said that the priority of his life right now is to spread happiness among people. He makes people happy by going to their parties.
Tag: bollywood actor, Entertainment News., karan johar
first published : May 12, 2024, 2:23 pm IST