Health experts revealed a shocking claim that stress on menstrual health is such that any level of stress can increase cortisol in our body. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can delay the duration. [Also read: Can periods be problematic? Here’s when should you worry about your menstrual cycle]
In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. “If there is an unexplained delay in menstruation with a underlying medical cause, Tena Thomas, Obstatrisian and Natus Women and Children Hospital said, stress may be a major factor.”

He explained in detail, “For example, students appearing for board examination often experience delayed period due to the level of stress. When someone is emphasized, there is an increase in cortisol levels that interfere with ovulation. This is how it can affect the menstrual cycle. ,
Expert tips to manage stress
Saying that effectively managing stress can help in regulating the menstrual cycle, Dr. Tena Thomas suggested, “practices such as meditation, yoga, counseling and getting engaged in open interaction with family and friends can be beneficial. Additionally, enrollment in stress management programs can help reduce stress. ,

When to see the doctor
Dr. Tena Thomas opposed the period before or after 28 days or after a few days. He advised, “Beyond this, if there is any difference, you should consult a doctor.”
Closing, the health expert recommended women and joints, “If you plan pregnancy, it is important to maintain a regular cycle. For those who are not trying to conceive, at least once in two months is essential for uterine health. If menstruation is absent for an extended period, it is recommended to consult a doctor. ,
Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.